Morning all. Am away for the weekend so no access to
my wii fit which I use to weigh myself. Will weigh on Tuesday morning - have beennout gor a few meals so know I will have probably put some on. Wel done jellylegs and everyone else who has lost

Karen - what’s the video for??

i have lots a total of 3lbs only another 14 to go and ill be happy.

Oh well done to you losers!
I haven’t got the nerve to weigh myself today - will do it and post it tomorrow! Haven’t been able to exercise at all for the last 10 days or so, and hit the choc this weekend, so I will be brave and post my weight gain tomorrow!lol
need to get back on the wagon - going to morocco in early june, want to be in better shape than I am now (wouldn’t be difficult, feel like a house!!)
love to all
monica xxx

Not sure if today’s weight is going to last… more a result of not eating any dinner last night! But I will try really hard this week, and will be starting training for the Bristol SunWalk half marathon tomorrow.

Start weight: 12st
End of April target: 11st 10 lbs
Weeks 1-5: -0.8 lbs
Week 6: +3.2 lbs
Week 7: -0.4 lbs
Week 8: -1.2 lbs
Current weight: 11st 13.6 lbs

Hi everyone,
Thankyou for your advice on exercise. I hate swimming in the swimming pool but thanks anyway. I managed two 6 mile walks over the weekend without any after effects on the knees. So off to the gym tomorrow.Then I shall weight myself, fingers crossed that I have lost some weight
Lulu34 my cholesterol was 7.6 but I have manged to bring if down to 4.2. Try using oatmilk instead of milk or soyamilk and eat porridge.
Well done everyone who has lost weight.

well as I thought, put 2lbs on, from 11st 8 to 11st 10. Start weight 12st 6, target about 10st. Going to get back on the wagon from tomorrow am
onward and upwards, good luck everyone!
monica xxx

Morning all,

well, as I thought, have put on 3 pounds, but what a fab time I’ve had. Think I must have eaten out every night since last Thursday.

Am determined to shift it all though, so like you Monica, back on the wagon today and just about to go out for a jog.

Keep going Chubb Club, we can do it, even with setbacks!!!

start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
week 3 - lost 1 pound
week 4 - lost 3 pounds
week 5 - lost 1 pound
week 6 - lost 2 pounds
week 7 - lost 0 pounds
week 8 - gained 3 pounds
current weight - 11 stone 11 pounds
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!


Hi All

Weighing in a day late this week due to eating too much at my Mums on Sunday.

Weight yesterday 11st 11lb, weight today back to 11st 9lb.

9lb lost since 1st Feb, slow but going in the right direction.

Good luck everyone


Hi All,

Well, no change this week, still 12st 3lb. Have to really try hard now as going to my friends hen weekend at center parcs in 5wks.

Well done to everyone.
Love Esme x

Hi all,
Late again , trying to put it off , just kidding myself really, put on the 2lbs that I lost , everyone saw fit to buy me Lindt Choc Bunnies and I had to eat them .Back on the wagon now and have run up 3 flights of stairs twice this morning as penance.
Well done to all you losers
Sue XX

I think I need to join this thread if that’s OK. I have had 2/8 chemos. I find I lose weight in the 1st week then put it back on. The good news is that I am 5lb lighter than at New Year but as I am overweight I don’t want to put any on. I’m on Epirubicin at the mo, then will be CMF. Current weight 12st 12. Have finished my Easter egg fortunately. (last night). I have an op on TUesday (axilarr clearance so hope to lose a few lb in hospital.

Hi everyone

We need to move this thread to a more appropriate section of the forum (it’s currently under “help with this site” which is a bit confusing for people). As it’s so active, I didn’t want to just move it without warning you.

If you’ve got strong ideas about where it should be moved to, let me know, otherwise I’ll probably find somewhere in the “living with breast cancer” section.

Don’t worry - I’ll let you know where it’s going before I move it! I’ll probably do it later this week.

with best wishes

Hi all

I’ve moved this thread to “living with breast cancer”

Hope you can all find it - please help each other to find it. If you post a bit over the next few days, it’ll keep it in the “latest posts” section too, which will make it easier for people to find.

Best wishes

Hi everyone

Tried to be careful this week, had a meal out (chicken Korma) and a bbq on Saturday-really pleased with my one pound loss. Going on a course for three days this week so that’s going to be a challenge.

Overall loss now 10lb

Good Luck All


Hi all,

Well I’m down to 12st so really pleased! Not sure how I did it but have been worrying a lot this week, so maybe something to do with that. Not a good way to lose weight, but at least something good has come out of the worry.

Hope everyone is doing ok.
Love Esme x

lost 1 pound… total loss from highest weight = 4 pounds

Now holiday is offer, I am starting again in ernest. Will get back on the scales tomorrow (groan).

Hi, I’m on a thing where I don’t weigh myself for the first 2 weeks, so won’t be weighed in this week. Well done everyone who’s lost weight this week
hope you are all doing OK
love, monica xx

Hi girls am on hols again so not weighing this week. Am being really naughty and going to have to start all over when I get back. Gouda luck everyone.

Well, it’s a Sunday and I’m back from hols, so time to weigh in!! Not as bad as I thought but really need to get back on the mission - at least I haven’t undone all my good work, but I am the same at 11 stone 11 pounds.

Where is everyone - outside sunbathing probably!!! Yippee

start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
week 3 - lost 1 pound
week 4 - lost 3 pounds
week 5 - lost 1 pound
week 6 - lost 2 pounds
week 7 - lost 0 pounds
week 8 - gained 3 pounds
week 9 - on hols
week 10 - lost 0 pounds
current weight - 11 stone 11 pounds
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!