hi everyone, well i bought some electronic scales this morning so i cant be wobbling on the scales to make them lighter. OH weighed himself too, i put my foot on to give a little extra support lol

Hi All
Anna love the help for OH as that is what mine tends to do to me. Marli, I know what you mean about carbs as I love cinammon and raisin bagels with loads of butter and marmalade. I bought some today and will have 1 tomorrow even if it will be half my allowance of carbs. Worth it though! Husband will have to eat the rest but he can manage as he’s a disgustingly fit triathlete.
From the B-Ahead research simple things to help

Eat crispbreads instead of bread. 3 crispbreads + 1 round of bread.

Have unlimited amount of vegetables. I keep a bowl of chopped peppers, tomatoes etc in the fridge so I can pick when I want. Same with fruit.

Plan your menu for the day and stick to it.

Lentils and beans are classed as protein so you can add them to soups and stews to help fill you up. Can make you a bit windy but you get used to them.

With exercise start slow and carefully. Even a bit at a time is better than none. Keep it to a level where you can feel your heart beating faster but you can still talk comfortably. Do something every day starting with about 10-15mins. As things get easier either increase the time or the intensity.

Do things that you LIKE so you can enjoy yourself and by the end of the month you will see the benefit.
Hope this helps along with Holeybones tips.
Good luck

Hey All

I’ve put on a stone & half since I started Chemo in November! Had my final tax today & start 4 wks rads in 3 weeks time.

Desperately need/want to loose the extra weight, but not sure if I can stop stuffing my face/sleeping long enough to do some excercise!

I think I’ll join you all in the Sunday weigh in if that’s ok?

Hazel xx

I’m in too please! Currently 5 out of 19 rads and blooby after chemo! Want to shift a stone!


Great timing … diagnosed mid-August and was really pleased I hadn’t put anything on … then end of Dec until mid Jan I put on a stone. Guess it was the increased steroids and the fact the Tax made me so poorly that I ended up housebound for most of the three week cycle.

Started a diet a couple of weeks ago and have lost 5lbs … and that is without very little exercise as I am still recuperating.

Glad to have a bit of company and encouragement!!

Will tune in too - good luck everyone - Paula x

Well done Paula, well I took the plunge and got on the scales and it appears I have lost a bit since my op in Dec so that is good. Given me a bit of umph to carry on (I am a past WW member so know the ropes!).

Be great to have a bit support


me too! I have two stone to shift, tho i dont have any scales at the mo i was weighed by my community health trainer last week so i can use that as my starting point - 9 stone 11 (size 14) this probly doesnt sound much to some people but i’m only 4 ft 11 and was 8 stone (size 10) pre-treatment.
Margaret - i’m also taking part in the B-ahead study (for what good it has done!) I got the one where you just get an info booklet - just had my 6 month assessment - which strand are you on?

I don’t believe this…this is now my third attempt at writing to you all!!! Pix i think your post went at the same time as mine so did not register it…i would not mind but i have written quite a lot both times- so i am now going to do bullet points!!!

* So glad everyone joining me on this thread could not believe how many people responded - it will be great encouragement to all of us!
* Since starting thread on Weds, i have joined WW Online and love it, dont want meetings so this works well for me, also did it years back so have some idea what i am doing
* Want to lose at least 3 stone by October doing charity fundraiser for local hospital - going to be a dance with ballgowns and i so want to wear a ballgown (Jayney can you come it is on the 9th?!)
* Love the idea about Sunday Weigh-in although will not join for a few weeks as my weigh in is on a Wednesday Online and i now i am a bit fragile at the moment if i put any on in that time so will log in to see how you are doing and will definately join you in a couple of weeks.
* Do you think that we should put our current weight, weight lost and goal weight on each post we do which will also take us back to why we are on this thread, or is that a bit to much…i think i am the one with the most to lose out of everyone…i dont mind if you dont mind?
Love to you all…‘see’ you tomorrow…
Karen xx

Yeah…it registered!!! Forget to mention my weight loss tip, drinking lots of water, about 6/8 pints a day really helps me not to snakc, have been good on a few days not so good on others! Want to try and do things that keep me active that i enjoy, dance classes, went swimming this week but have found that i have been experiencing pain under both arms (had dble mx in October) so need to take it a bit more gently i think - going to do Wii Fit today - in fact i think i will boot son off PS3 and do it now!!

I have Herceptin until July and on Letrozole (Femara) for five years, anyone else on this?

Karen xx

I’d love to join in when I finish chemo in March. I had lost a stone on WW before I was diagnosed last Oct, but now after a mastectomy and four cycles of FEC I have nearly gained it back again. Don’t think I can cope with dieting while on chemo, as I’m just pleased if I can eat anything that doesn’t make me sick. But all the things that don’t make me feel sick seem to be fattening!!!

Sunday weigh in then…Thanx for this thread,it’s just what I needed.

can I join in? started to diet, lost 9lbs and since then think I have put it all back on! need the discipline of weekly weigh in, I think. have gone up 2 sizes and feel like a skittle - no hair and round in the middle…
good luck to us all
monica x

Pixelox, sorry you haven’t found the study much use. I’m in the 2nd group where you are given an individual diet and exercise plan. Sue (Tippy1) is in the 3rd group where you get the works. I haven’t spoken to her this week but think she started the classes on Thursday. I like the study as it keeps me under control like having a regular weigh in on here.

Biggles I love swimming and started again very slowly 1 month after rads. I haven’t had mastectomy just WLE July 09. Found it very hard at first, could only do 10 mins 8 lengths at first. Even now find I’ve had enough after about 20mins. I alternate 1 length crawl then 1 backstroke and this seems to work best.

Good luck tomorrow everyone. I weigh myself 1st thing in the morning as I’m always at least 1lb less then at night!!!


Just a quick post as we are leaving for the day soon.

Starting weight: 12 stone 2 lb

I want to lose 1 and a half stone over time. I’m 5 foot 11 tall so I know I don’t look too overweight, but I feel overweight and too lumpy. This time I’m NOT GIVING IN. Good luck everyone.

Start weight 13s 13lb…want to lose 7lb this month…
been on the wii this morning and had porridge for breakfast, trouble is I don’t know how many calories in anything, obviously or I wouldn’t be where I am now…sulk sulk sulk

This is interesting - I’d like to see support for healthily GAINING weight!

Start weight 12st12lb - not good when only 5’ and a bit tall. Still on chemo (no.5 on Wed.)so my target for the month is only 2lbs. But feel I’ve got to make an effort now sep. by getting more exercise as having to stay in due to the snow had a real effect. Good luck all. Marli.x

Morning all!

Well, WiiFit says 12 stone 4 lbs - Yikes!! Would like to lose 2 lbs a week and lose a stone overall. Was thinking we could do a little chart and copy and paste it into our posts as we update. What do you think??


hi my starting weight is 11st 1lb not too bad as im 5ft 7 1/2 but my bmi is too high and cholesterol is up so im aiming to loose a stone overall.


My weight this morning is 10st 4lbs!! EEEK!! I’m only 5ft1!!

I need to lose at least a stone to stop the wee Wii Fit guy telling me I’m overweight!

Just had my last Chemo on Thursday & still have rads to go, so any weekly weight loss at the moment would be a bonus!
