Hey Hayz, you haven’t been eating enough through chemo - I’m disappointed in your efforts! I’m only 5"0 and a whopping 11st 11.

I’m doing weight watchers and eating so much less than before Christmas and going to the gym four times a week but the weight just won’t budge. Not sure if the tamoxifen has anything to do with it or not. I haven’t put any weight on but certainly haven’t lost any either.

I don’t have a wii to tell me I’m overweight, I just look in the mirror to see the three spare tyres round the middle - it’s revolting.

I suppose the only tip I can give is not to give up - its very demoralising really.

Short of amputating a leg I suppose we’ll all just have to eat less!

Any practical tips greatly received.


Hi, just weighed myself, im 11st 6 ibs, im only 5ft 3! id like to shift 2 stone.
good luck everyone.

Starting weight was 10st 1 on bathroom scales, on wii was 9st 10, will go with bathroom scales as easier to weigh on. Good luck everyone. xx

LOL Helen!

I’m currently devouring a chinese takeaway, so not the best start!..the steroids made me do it!!


mein gott I’m 12st 6!
very sad as I was 12st 1 before starting tamox 10 days ago

aim to lose 2 stone, at 2-3lbs a week

good luck everyone

don’t look like the pic - more like a flabby coconut at present lol

Hi to everyone in the CHUBB CLUB!!!
Here goes then,I’ve put 22lbs on since Aug when I was first dia,I plan to shed around 8lb this month. I am 11st 7lbs xxx

Hi All
Weight this morning 9st 3lbs. Have lost 7lbs since beginning Dec. Just want to get down to 9st but then need to stay at that.

Of course what we could all do is stand in front of a bacon slicer and take as much as we want from wherever we want!!!


OK, I was 12st this morning (5’ 6"). I’d like to stay around 11st 10 during chemo but put on loads with the first Taxotere. Next one at the end of this coming week, so will see if I get ‘carb lust’ again (and whether I can resist it…)!!

Not sure we can do charts, but we could do a little table, for example:

Start weight: 12st
Current weight: 11st 11lbs
End of Feb target: 11st 10lbs
Week 1: -1 lb
Week 2: -2 lbs etc etc… ??

Can I join too!

I went clothes shopping last week as hubby took me away for the weekend. Last time I went clothes shopping before chemo I was a size 12/14. I knew I had put on weight so tried on 16s, then 18s and then 20s. Finally settled on a combination of 18 and 20 sizes. It was a very humiliating experience. When I met my husband in 1985 I was a size 8.


Morning all. I’m loving that we are all in this together, for me it’s a lot more motivating than going it alone. Left to my own devices I cruise the fridge and cupboards in the evening, so I’m enjoying reading tips to remind me to drink more water etc. Had a chocolate digestive last night, but at least it wasn’t the whole pack this time. Snoogle, stick with us. Isn’t it bizarre that something so passive that simply involves NOT doing something (ie shovelling too much food into our mouths) can be so hard? Flora29 I can totally relate to your experience on chemo - I craved mashed potatoes and fish cakes, or ice-cream, and struggled to enjoy the fruits and veg I normally love. I also remember the buzzy, spaced out feeling that the steroids gave me too, most weird. Good luck for your next chemo this week.
Anyone got advice on the best activities to do for weight loss on the Wii Fit? I’m only starting to find my way around mine at the moment, and so far I’ve tried jogging, hula-hooping and some balance exercises.
If nobody minds I might add up our collective weight loss each week and post it on a Monday morning. Meaningless I know, but humour me girls. Have a good week everyone, I’m looking forward to reading about our gradually decreasing spare tyres.

margaret you are so funny ive just conjoured up that picture lol. are we weighing daily or weekly? i ate nothing yesterday felt rubbish and was in a foul mood!

scottie dog. i have the wii fit active pack its really good you can choose between beginner, moderate and intense and it sets out a challenge for you.

Tippy1 it looks like those of us who want to, are going to weigh in once a week every Sunday (well for a few weeks at least, possibly longer). Thanks for the info about the Wii fit active pack.

Hi everyone, well we are getting into this aren’t we! I have the Wii Fit and Wii Active and to be honest i found the Wii Active too hard on my ‘arms’ so i have laid off it for a while! It is so great we are all in this together.
As i previously said i will not way on Sunday for a couple of weeks but will let you know my weigh-in on Wednesday
Made a lovely roast dinner yesterday, but had saved enough points so i think it was alright. I also had 3 milk choc digestives and was still within my points, i think we all need to make sure that at least once a week we are having a treat of some kind - perhaps a nice mag, long bath with bubbles and candles or even a piece of choc!!!
I find that the Wii running is good, and and dance thingy i dont get on too well with the yoga etc. Was going swimming this morning, but it is snowing here and i really could not force myself, went for a walk instead and hope to do Wii fit tonight!
Well done everyone, we will do it together!!
Karen xx

Ok and this is just for those with Wiis. Are your Wiis connected to the internet? Did you know that you have a friend code and that if you share this with others you can visit each other’s Wii’s. If it works the way I think it does then we could all do our Wii Fit exercises together. We have Wii Fit and Wii Fit plus. I prefer the yoga exercises as I get out of breath very quickly.


Hi All
I’m definitely feeling left out. I haven’t got a Wii thingy!!! I find singing very loud and dancing to CDs is good fun. Haven’t had any complaints from the neighbours yet but it may be they are humouring me–She’s getting old and lost the plot. Mind you, the dog’s started using Oh’s ear plugs. I snore wonderfully as well! Sue, you can’t hear can you?
It’s only Monday and I’ve already cheated. Went to the dentist and need some painful sounding root fillings so went and had a coffee and blueberry muffin.
Must behave for the rest of the week.

Hi All

Count me in too please!! Maybe a good start would be taking the wii fit out of the box rather than just looking at it. Put on 5lb since WLE / SNB in nov and another WLE in Dec. Too much comfort choccy. Would love to loose 8lb and reading all the posts has made me feel more motivated than anything has before. Lets fo for it!!


I haven’t got a Wi thingy either??? Karen, maybe I will pop round to yours and you can show me how to work it - I can then work out if its something I would use…

Start weight: 10st 12lbs
Want to lose a stone.


I’m with Anna - 11st 6 ibs, im only 5ft 3

Ditto :slight_smile:

P x