Support for Mum & Sister??

girls, I have finished my treatment a few months ago and am now recovering from mastectomy in March. My Mum & sister have said that they would like some sort of counselling or at least someone to ‘off load’ everything onto. Does anyone have any experience of getting their family members any support ? I have seen the helpline number but wondered if the BC nurses can put them in touch with anyone face to face.

Vezza xx

Hi Vezza, good on your Mum and Sister for wanting to move forward positively, you can try this helpline, they are very good, also, if you have a local hospice, well, they will normally have counsellors that you can go and talk to , regardless of whether its you or a family member who has been affected by BC, hospices are great for helping, and normally in a very lovely calm environment, they are not just for the terminally ill. hope this has helped


Hi Vezza

The helpline team should be able to help you here. Just give them a call and they’ll be only too happy to point you in the right direction. The number is freefone 0808 800 6000 open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturdays 9am - 2pm

Kind regards

Louise, Moderator
Breast Cancer Care