Support Group

Hi All

As a survivor of 10years:womanhappy: I send you all massive hugs.

I was wondering how many women have found a support group in their area.

When I was diagnosed and going throught treatment the support group I found was 12 miles away from me and not always possible to get to. I want to start my own group in my area, to offer women and their families the same fantastic support I found when I needed it most.

This offered tea&comfort, to be able to talk to other women, talk about treatment, the effects the big C was having on our lives, the effect on family, financial worries, in fact anything. I found it all amazingly supportive, and most times emotional(in a good way). This is why I want to offer it to other women in my area, but where to start?

I know how important this lifeline is out there, as it surely saved my sanity on a number of occassions, and want to offer Alternative therapies & a place to be amoung other people who are going through or been through, it gives us inspiration to see women who have come through like me, and I want to help others on their journey, offer hope share fears, I know how important it can be.


Hi dibbles


I found a local group to me through this forum - on the events, campaigns and meet-ups section. We have a facebook page and chat on there and have regular meet-ups for lunch etc. Many of us tend to also go to a local monthly group organised by the BCN’s. It’s been a massive help to have people locally I could talk to and laugh with and have made some wonderful friends for life.


So my advice ould be that this forum is a great place to start, especially if you can get the local BCN’s involved and sending people your way.


Wishing you the very best


Lu xx

Hi dibbles4

You are very welcome to call our helpliners as they will be able to talk to you about setting up a support group in your area, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Hi we’re were just saying on another thread about the forum a few years ago n I’ve just seen you on here and remember when we were all posting at the same time nice to see your name xx rozita