I have recently been diagnosed with Breast cancer and wondered if anybody knows of any support groups within the Surrey (kingston through to Sutton) area.
Thank you
Hi Melanne
Welcome to the forums, please feel free to call our helpline as they have information about local support groups which may include your area, they can talk to you about our other support services too and also offer support, information and a ‘listening ear’. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm, Saturday, 9am - 2pm.
Breast Cancer Care have also published a Resource Pack which you may find useful, it has been designed for anyone newly diagnosed with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and various treatments, it is available via the following link or by contacting the helpline:
Best wishes
Hi Melanne
Sorry to hear about your recent dx. I hope your treatment plan goes smoothly and you have a good recovery. Whatever stage you are at there will always be someone here to offer great support and advice.
I can’t help with any support groups in your area but I’m sure if you ask your BCN she will be able to point you in the right direction.
Thanks for your help, feeling much more positive today. Start my chemo at the RMS tomorrow.
Hi Mel
Just wanted to wish you luck for starting chemo…I take it you are close to Sutton? I used to live not far from there thats why I am asking…
All the best
P x
Hi Melanne
I started a thread off in the chit chat and fun section called ‘where are you from’.
i thought that if someone lives in your area then you could send private messages and arrange to meet up and support each other. don’t know if it’s worked but it’s worth a try. good luck and take care. x