support ing a friend who is supporting me

7 years ago I supported a very good friend through her diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer.I was diagnosed Monday with the same type in the same breast. She wants to be there for me say s it’s pay back.I am scared that this will be to painful for her  .help what does everyone think. And how can I support her supporting me Barbara

Hi mad4cavs

I’m sorry to read you’re having a tough time, its sounds like you have some concerns about your friend.  May I suggest that whilst you are waiting for the other users to reply you might find it helpful to talk things through with a member of staff on the BCC helpline.  Here you can talk trhough how you are feeling with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

I think your friend will be happy to support you, when I was diagnosed the biggest support was talking to friends who had been through and survived breast cancer and they were all happy to share their experiences. Now I am recovering myself I would like to think that I could be a support to others just starting their treatment and I think that it is also therapeutic for those of us who have been through it to talk about it. If your friend is now well I’m sure she will be happy to be there for you. Good luck with your treatment.