Support whilst abroad

Hi, I am a 49 years old with two young children who lives abroad in developing countries due to husband’s work. I usually spend the school holidays back in UK and this year was no different except that this time around on my second day at home I discovered a small lump. Then it all started - GP, consultant , mammograms, biopsy and the dreaded diagnosis. Except in my case I was particularly lucky as it was grade I with no lymph glands involvement ( they took out 4) and mastectomy followed with Anastrazole for 5 years and annual mamograms was considered as the treatment for me. All this happened this year in June/ July time and now I am back with my family to the country of my husband’s posting. Whilst I consider myself very lucky and grateful for the care I have recieved I must admit that there are somedays I find it very hard to cope and feel all alone away from the protection of a health care system I can trust as well as being away from my friends and family ( we have moved here only in February this year). And any small aches or pain acquires a completely different dimension. I have discussed matters with the helpline here ( which I found to be extremely well informed, professional and supportive - I could sleep that night again) and we thought it would be a good idea if I sought here people who have/had breast ca and live abroad. Thanks

Bringing this to the top for new user adk.

Jo, Moderator