Surgery April 2012

1J - I believe an MX op takes 2 to 3 hours.

Sending you all lots of love and very gentle hugs after your ops.

Jennifer x x

well only tuesday and wednesday to go then that’s me in for my mx it suddenly seems so real today and i know people only care but if one more person asks me what’s wrong i think i will scream when sure’ly its obvious whats wrong with me rant over thought it might make me feel better xx

Thanx Jennifer,
Gentle hugs sound wonderful.
xx Lynn

My first appointment was on 21st March. My first biopsy didn’t work but left me black and blue. Still not completely gone.
The next one found a lump in left breast, only small breasts 38b hence the mx. The specialist radiologist was on holiday so had to wait for right breast exam last Friday. May not know the results of that test till day of op. as I am going to a wedding so can’t attend the Friday clinic.
Operation on 24th April. It has been a long wait and still waiting.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. It really helps.

Babes367 we all need to have a rant every so often , I’ve done it many times and it does feel better to get it all out of your system, will be thinking about you on Thursday , 1J I found the waiting the worst part of it, I go to see consultant on Friday for path results seems like I have been waiting forever but it’s only been 2 weeks since mx, been having problems with swelling in hand and arm , see bc nurses again tomorrow , sending hugs and positive thoughts out to all those who are waiting on surgery or results xxx

i have got a second op on 24th april to remove lymph nodes as 1 was infected im so scared of goin back in is anybody else having same or been thro same? xx

No quinny, sorry can’t help there.

Babes all the best for thursday.

Ginger all the best for friday. I’m exactly one week after you to get the results. Although I had chemo already so the nodes are a mystery in the end.

Exactly one week post OP today and I’m very slowly improving. Saw the BCN this morning, she gave me a softie and a bra. I feel very positive towards the softie. Nurse said although arm and round my wound site it’s still puffy she thought it looks really neat and ti doesn’t need draining, looks like I’m not developing a seroma as such. At last something positive!!

Christine xx

ive found myself panicking today about when i wake up not so bothered about being put to sleep not sure what exactly to expect when i do wake up can anyone tell me their experience as im imagining alsorts

xx karen

babes you mean wake up after GA? I remember waking up or probably rather being woken up and people were standing round me and I looked round the room and thought I’m still in recovery as I didn’t recognise the room and it was big. The other thing I remember was that they had a bag in their hand attached to me , must have been saline, but I thought it was a catheter bag and thought oh no they gave me a catheter LOL. The next thing is I remember they wheeeled me back on the ward, i fell asleep on and off.

I wan’t worried about the GA or the operation. It’s the recovery I do not like, sore armpit etc.

Christine xx

Agree with you Christine , I wasn’t worried about waking up, but getting a bit fed up with recovery, seem to be fine one day and in pain next day , swelling in arm and hand and having problems doing some of the exercises, seem to have taken a step backwards and tiredness not getting any better , hope everyone else doing ok xxx

soz yes after ga im glad there was no catheter i was worried about that lol and the drains im a bit worried about them as well im not looking forward to recovery either not bothered about being put to sleep or the op itself just what comes after it been having things done since middle of january and no sooner have i started to heal and feel better i have been in for the next thing done and each time i seem to have felt worse afterwards and took longer to heal

thanks for posting x karen

hi all sorry to jump in this thread but can anyone help me …im having second op on tue …but have had water infection .now coming down with cold sorethroat etc and think thrush from the antobotics from water infection will they still do the op im so scared of having op as it is xx

I don’t know quinni, next tuesday is nearly a week away so you have time to get better. I would guess they go ahead, but don’t know of course. You could ring the ward and ask a nurse there.

I also was worried about the drains, possible sickness after GA and constipation LOL. None of these fears has come true, drains are 100% painless when being removed for example (everybody says it but I didn’t believe it!). I imagined the healing process easier and more painfree though, here I sit eight days post OP and can’t get my upper arm up to shoulder height I do the exercises after taking 2 paracetamol but it is really sore.

Christine xx

Hello Christine

just saw your post and realised you had your surgery by now. Hope you are feeling okay and that all is going according to plan so far with you. I am starting my rads tomorrow finally so one step ahead of you. Do take care and let me know how you are getting on

Hugs to all of you from

Alanaa and Fat Cat xx

Hi Alanaa *waves*

Good to read you start rads, at last. Your oP is quite a while ago, has the wound finally healed?

Ch xx

Hi have now had my op, didn’t all go to plan unfortunately. Had my surgery on the 10th mx and LD flap recon. Had 2 drains in ( weren’t as bad as I expected them to be) felt poorly after the GA. on the 12th I was told the surgery hadn’t worked the blood vessels were to small so I had to go back for surgery on the 13th to have the flap removed and an implant put in and had the drains removed. Came home on the Saturday feeling battered and bruised my boob is looking good. Feeling quiet tired at the mo, trying to take it easy being well looked after. I go for a check up next Tuesday.
Good luck to all you ladies who are waiting for their surgery and I hope all you ladies who have had your surgery are doing well.

Take care lots of hugs

Gillian xx


Diagnosed with DCIS multiple sites in March and after having the operation cancelled once due to have the mx and sentinal lobe removal (four I think) on Friday 20th April 2012 along with a reconstruction using a saline expander - want it all over and done with now and at this precise point more worried about the GA and how long I am going to be in hospital as ex husband has stopped my maintenance payments whilst he has the children - he said he would not charge for the three nights that he would normally has them every six weeks but for every night over he would make a deduction - more angry about that than the mx at the moment - is there anyone that has had the same treatment and able to give an indication of how long I will be in hospital - the booking in nurse said two days if everything went well - is that estimate realistic. Also is anyone able to give an estimate of how long it took to drive a car after having treatment similar to mine. Sorry for the questions but I forgot to ask the BCN and Consultant at the time and now they seem a bit trival to ring up and ask!

Hi 123ali
Sorry you are having such a hard time, I had mx and snb 2 weeks ago no reconstruction tho, was in for 4 days, I have been told no driving for 4 weeks, BCN always available to answer your questions and nothing is too trivial , good luck with the op tomorrow , sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs xxx

Sorry your first op didn’t go well, hope you are starting to feel a bit better, I felt really tired at first and still get waves of it now , have been told it can take anything up to 12 weeks to feel " normal " again, take as much rest as you feel you need , sending lots of gentle hugs xx

Hi ginger1

I went to see the nurse yesterday who said the dressings looked good, clean and dry and she would leave them until the surgeon sees me next week. It’s amazing how tired I feel,also not being able to get on with the housework while I’m home. Haven’t been able to wear a bra yet, it’s till to sore.
Lots of hugs
Gillian xx