Surgery December 2018

My op went well – moved to ward around 2pm and now that OH has headed home, I’m settling in to drink some tea, read a book, and rest up.

I hope you’re recovering well, @crochet addict!

OMG Got moved to a side room and thought I’d get a delightful night’s sleep. But then a disruptive patient got moved a couple doors down. The shouting! All night! Haven’t got a wink. Knackered. Sod’s Nod’s law.

Oh dear Reddi, I didn’t sleep at all in hospital, there was one old lady snoring like a steam train and one next to me farting for England all night, there’s nothing like your own bed, you’ll soon be there! X

“Farting for England” is my new fave phrase. (American expat, so it’s new to me!)

Just wanted to pop on from May thread and wish you all a good recovery, for those who’ve had ops and for those who are waiting. Good to see you are through the other side of surgery Reddi.

hugs to all


Discharged home! ?

Hi all,


So I finally decided today on what surgery I’m having on Friday! Decided on a WLE with reconstruction on advice of surgeon (and BCN). Should just be in for the day and no drain :slight_smile: Find out the results on 7 Jan - really hope I don’t need more chemo - i’m on a trial and it is a possibility!!!


Hope everyone who’s had surgery is recovering well and not in too much discomfort.


Just been reading up on the December surgeries ??. Mine isn’t until the 31st. My surgery time has been changed from afternoon to morning. I was told I would be in overnight after a mastectomy. I’m wondering/hoping if the change of op time means I might be home same day? Fingers crossed ?
Mags x

Thanks reddi ?. I had 2xWLE plus sentinel nodes removed in October this year. It was an afternoon surgery (a bit of a blur as I spent the morning from 9am having dye inserted and wires put in place - but I think I went into theatre at about 3.30pm) and was home by 7pm. Your op sounds a lot more complicated than the simple mastectomy I’m going to have. I’m thinking that because of the time of year (hogmanay) there might fewer staff on and they’ll be keener than usual to send folk home? I suppose it’ll depend on reaction post op? xx

Hi Magsv
I’m in 31st too and also changed from 12.30 to 7.30. In my meeting with bn I asked to be kept in over night. Not for me but so my kids didn’t have to worry about me. Mastectomy for me. At least I’ll lose some weight after surgery! ?ha
Becks x

Hi Mags,
Just popping in to say that I had my mx as day surgery. I had to be at the hospital at 8am, but didn’t go to theatre until 12.30pm. I woke up at just after 3pm and I was home by 6pm, no drains required as no immediate reconstruction, but I didn’t know this until I awoke.

I had surgery on December 10th. Bilateral masectomy with expanders. I am 11 days out and doing pretty good. I still have drains. They will be removed next week on the 26th. There is a lot of soreness in my chest and under my arms. I am still on antibiotics, but just using acetaminophren and ibuprofen for pain. I am normallly a very active person, I teach 3rd grade and am used to a lot of moving around and it has been hard staying quiet. The first week was tough. I mostly slept, and took drugs, but now I am much better. I am able to shower and do my hair, put on my clothes and get around pretty well. Other than the achy chest where the stitches are and the expanders are I feel pretty good.

Hi ladies. I had my surgery yesterday and don’t feel too bad really - just a bit battered and bruised! Only had a general twice (now and for a SNB in sept) but still find it nerve-wracking when they put you under and you wonder if you’ll wake up again!). Was home by 6pm - WLE and flap. No drains, just a dressing to keep on for a week. Not a great nights sleep as my mind was racing and I couldn’t get comfy as I usually sleep on my front or my left side which were just not possible. But at least I can rest up today as hubby can manage the house and kids. All my Christmas shopping done and presents wrapped as I wanted to be sorted before my op.

Hi all,
Beginning to get sad about my surgery now Christmas is almost done. This time next week it’ll be done.

Becks x

I know the feeling Becks! Manchester family staying with us until 28th though … so plenty of grandkids running around. It’ll hit me more when they’re gone. Although it’ll take us until the 31st to clear up after them ?

Thanks ladies.
Yes, quiet today so time to think. Need to keep busy.
Enjoy your Christmas ladies!
Becks xx

Morning Beck’s , hope your ok , I’m still just finding out how to use this forum , I had mastectomy in November & lymph node clearance 13 December I get my results today , when are you booked in for surgery ? What are you having done & where abouts because what I’ve been reading depends on what part of the country you live , best wishes xx

Hi ladies,
I’m in Manchester. Had 5 months chemo which finished over 5 weeks ago. Mastectomy to right breast with full clearance. No reconstruction as I have to have radiotherapy after the op so I will have to wait.
Been a long journey xx

Congratulations, @essexgirly2! That is great news.

Yay! Brilliant news.
B x