Surgery December 2018

Thanks for the advice Feenix and Reddi ?Think I’m all set now for tomorrow. Only worry is that I’ve now caught the cold the grandchildren brought with them during their Christmas stay ??. Praying it doesn’t get any worse and interfere with tomorrow’s op 1??
Great news 're results essexgirly2! xx

@Magsv Fingers crossed that you are in good shape for tomorrow. And @Magsv and @Beckett Here’s to swift, nimble, and precise surgeon’s hands – and a swifter still recovery! ?

Mags v and Beckett just wanted to let you both know I’m thinking of you both as you prepare for tomorrow, here’s to a swift recovery for both of you and a much better 2019 for all of us. Stay strong ladies xx Melanie ( p.s. day 23 and still got my drains in, I’m sure they are now a permanent fixture ??? ) 

Magsv good luck tomorrow.x

Good luck for tomorrow ladies x

@crochet addict Good luck to you tomorrow, too. I hope you get good news.

@MrsG1962 Argh – it seems the drains will be with you til the new year then. Sending lots of ? and my best voodoo spell to get your daily output down and your tubes out anon.

@Magsv Hurrah! Just what you wanted. Happy New Year! ???

Glad it went well Magsv.x

Hi all,
Home yesterday. All done. 2 drains in. Feeling ok. Not as bad as I thought pain wise but cannot look at it yet.
Family all looking after me. The only way is up from here!
Here’s to a better year for us all xx

@Beckett I am so glad you are home and healing. You’ll know when you are ready to look.

I got several breakfasts in bed – I think you have kids, so this may be slightly less practical for you, but it’s a nice little post-op luxury…

Morning Beckett , we’re all different , I looked on my first return appointment once the nurse removed my dressings wasn’t bad but I only looked down at it ! next time I asked and she stood me Infront of a mirror it looked very different but I was very brave and on both occasions showed my hubby & Mam & sister so they could keep an eye on it ( sister was a nurse) it was alittle bruised looked 100x different but my head coped my my surgeon was very neat once scare healed I started using bio oil , I put my drains in my dressings grown pockets also had a special bag and slept on my hubby’s side of our bed with a V pillow , I was also asked to mark the drains each day for two weeks but on each visit nurse change the vessel , I body wased in the bath but never removed my bra bodice but getting out was difficult and my knees ended up hurting haha took my mind of my boobie for awhile , I’ve read T & Chemo by Jackie Buxton ,I found it fantastic & uplifting , I used my strong Meds at bed time & during the night , I didn’t and still don’t sleep well more due to discomfort than pain although my arm feels strange in parts , sending love & hugs , I’m waiting for my postman ( chemo letter ) xx

At last one drain has gone ! 25 days it’s been with me but can’t say I was sorry to see it go. Sadly the 2nd one is still drawing 60ml per day and has to be below 20ml for 2 days before they’ll remove that one but feel much better with one down. It’s the little things… ???

Brilliant! 1 is better than 2!

Hi Ladies,
My drains are supposed to be out tomorrow but I’m concerned about the swelling in my arm.
District nurse not much use!
Should I have pain under my arm? Not my arm pit, under arm. Really painful! Is it part of the lymphedema?
I can’t speak to bn until Monday.
Becks x

@Beckett I don’t know, but my nurses told me to contact them if I experienced significant pain. Did they provide a contact in the surgical ward for after-hours? (I got one.)

No, to be honest I’m not impressed with the aftercare thus far. It was much better during chemo.
My bns don’t work over weekend. District nurses just say contact dr.
I’m seeing dn face to face tomorrow so will talk to them.

Hi Beck’s , sorry to hear about your pain , I was advised to ring the ward , my arm and armpit are still really uncomfortable three weeks after my lymph nodes clearance operation my drain ended up being left in for two weeks , they say keep exercising it difficult when it hurts & is heavy Xx I was given oxycodone wish I took to help get some comfort so I could sleep xx

Just catching up with everyone’s news …after the most horrible week ever. It started off with a really sore throat and I put it down to the tube they use during op. It didn’t go away tho and turned into a nasty chest infection.
After a few days I realised I hadn’t been to the toilet and became horribly constipated. Maybe I strained too much and tore something - but the pain was excruciating and I spent sleepless nights walking the floor! I phoned doc on friday and got some sachet things to take- took 3 days to work.
Sorry about all the detail but tonight is the first time I’ve felt semi normal. I’m very pleased ??
I’ve had no problems at all with mastectomy. The community nurse came today to change dressing and all looking good. I had a funny sloshing noise from it one day but have been wearing a tight fitting sports type bra day and night and it seems to have helped ?
I had a look at the mastectomy scar when the dressing was changed (through the steri strips) and it looks surprisingly ok. I go back to the hospital on 16th Jan for results, and on 7th Feb I have an appt for boob fitting (they gave me a couple of softie things meanwhile but haven’t even taken them out of the bag yet).
Mags x

Glad your feeling ok Magsv now. The painkillers give you constipation. I already had it a couple of days before my op. 4 days of rads left. Have got Osteopenia like you. Wonder if its due to the chemo? x