Surgery December 2018

No I am not on Bisphosphonates. I did ask the doc about them but think he said it is for when you have Osteoporosis or something like that. I am just on calcium but have only just started on Letrozole. They have just started using them here.
Will look at the link now.x

Hi Ladies,
I had my check up yesterday and the surgeon said I was cancer free! Lots of tears and family gathering, yesterday.
Still need radiotherapy but it makes it all worthwhile! I can deal with only 1 boob for a while…small price to pay.
Hope you are all ok.
Becky xx

@Beckett Congratulations! What lovely news.

Congratulations Beckett that’s great news!

I got my results on Wednesday. A bit complicated. They found some previously undetected pre-cancerous cells (DCIS) in the margins so I was back in yesterday for a cavity shave and to remove tissue from behind my nipple to test - nipple will need removing later if necessary as I wasn’t ready to lose it now. The tumour they removed was about 10cm (reduced from 30cm after FEC chemo) so I have to start chemo again next week or the week after and then rads. The other option was chemo now and mx after but as my recon is pretty good it seems a shame. My surgeon didn’t want to sway my decision but afterwards said it was what he would have recommended so that was reassuring. So although I’m probably cancer free (no node involvement, tumour out) they are being safe by removing the dcis and doing more chemo.

@Pulapula That sounds like a very good plan. Are you on the Rosco trial? That is, will your next set of chemo be with a taxane, or will you be receiving more FEC? Either way, fingers crossed for no cancer in the nipple sample and few side effects! xo r.

Got results today. All good. There was another 2mm high grade DCIS still in there. Small - but glad it’s gone so mastectomy was small price to pay.
Back to annual check-ups for next 5 years. Starting July as still keeping a lookout for cancer recurrence in remaining affected invasive cancer breast.
Also still advised to keep going with letrozole tabs. Been taking them for 3 years now so may need to continue for another 5.
Small price to pay ???

Mrs G
I’ve had mine drained twice since my drains were removed 6 days after surgery and it was very quick and easy. A fine needle aspiration but no ultrasound needed. It was just done during my check up.
This Friday’s check up I was told he wouldn’t have to see me for 6 months.
Being referred back to the oncologist for radiotherapy now. Arm still stiff though so meeting the physio on Tuesday.
My hair is growing back quite quickly too!
Feel like I’m getting somewhere now
B xx

Ah, of course! I just have an empty cavity! Ha. Thanks for your well wishes :heart:. That is such a long time with drains! Really hope you can take it out soon! Xx