Surgery delayed due to low white blood cells

 Hi everyone,
I’m after some advice… did anyone on here have their surgery delayed after chemotherapy because their white blood cells hadn’t recovered enough?
I’ve already had my surgery postponed once (4 weeks after chemo) because my WBCs were only at 2, and now (6 weeks after chemo) - they’re still at 2. They have to be at least 4 to proceed with surgery this Friday and I’m worried I’ll be cancelled again.
I was lucky that my bloods always returned to near-normal levels in-between cycles of chemo, but now i’ve finished they’re not recovering. Really concerned about effect this will have on my prognosis - the stupid tumour is still there. My oncologist says there’s 'nothing I can do". Did anyone else experience this? And how long did it take for your WBCs to recover?