Surgery done but need encouragement plse

Hello Everyone

Well, this major bridge has been crossed. On 4 Nov I had an mx with level 3 clearance and immediate LD flap recon. The op took 8 and half hours and I was in hosp for 6 days. There weren’t any complications, it just took that long.

I had 5 drains in but two they removed before I came home. I hate these drains. I feel I’m walking about gingerly because of these. They’re all gathered in pump bag which I carry on my bad arm but I have to watch because they easily get caught on things. I think I’ll feel better when I can have the rest of these out.

I think I underestimated the impact the op would have on me. I don’t feel weak but just no energy. I have a shower/wash in a morning and then I have to sit a bit before I can wash my hair. But I’m finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything which I’m finding difficult.

I still haven’t got my appetite back. The irony is that for a few days after the op I was having every cup of tea I could and eating most of what I was given (even tho’ it was awful). But then my appetite went and it hasn’t come back. I can’t bear the thought of hot food. I even had to force down a slice of toast. I live alone but friends friends and family are being good and bringing me things in to try and tempt me.

I’m sure I will start to pick up. I’m back at clinic on Wed 16 Nov when hopefully one if not all of the drains will be removed.

Any advice will be gratefully received.

White Daisy

Oh White Daisy,

You are recovering from a huge surgery, it is such early days yet and you will feel yuck! I didn’t have nearly as much done as you, but had 2 ops in very quick succession and did not want to eat and had nausea at that time. I thought I should feel fine but when thinking about it that was really silly, your body has gone through a major trauma. So rest as much as you can and let people take care of you without guilt. You will pick up real soon, very big hugs to you and take care of yourself xx


i had mx + LD recon with full clearance in June. i came home with 2 drains, which was something i had hoped to avoid. i can remember being surprised about the lump under my arm where the muscle was being stretched and also about the tightness.

i can promise that once the drains come out you will feel better in all ways. if you can, push for physio. i did and managed to get 2 massages a week to the affected areas, which helped loosen things up. i went on to have rads, which tightened things back up again but 2 weeks after their completion i can feel an improvement.

i wouldnt be surprised about your lack of energy (you dont say if youve had chemo) but 8 and a half hours of being knocked out is going to take its toll. i felt well enough to go away in august and im now able to comfortably walk for 5/6 miles. some days it can still feel tight and if im honest can start to get to me, but ive decided to keep a diary to chart everyday so that i can remind myself that this feeling is less frequent.

so my advice is to do something a little active everyday to start building your stamina back up but dont over do it and tire yourself out. try to get some nice things planned so that youve got something to look forward to, see if you can get a massage organised thru the nhs, eat what you fancy when you fancy it and - most importantly - look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Do you know what - I’m flippin’ amazing!”

take care x

Thank you so much, ladies for your encouragement. By the end of today I feel a bit brighter and I’ve had something to eat (salad and salted peanuts!).

I will take it steady and try to be patient with myself and get stronger before the next bridge (chemo) needs crossing.

Thanks again.


Daisy - nice to hear that you’re OK and through the other side.

I lost my appetite after Mx, too, I just don’t feel like eating so I graze and get adequate nutrition that way.
Six weeks down the line, I’m still grazing but it is supposed to be healthier than 3 huge meals in lumps.

Ladies you all sound so brave. I am due to have Mx and recon in January when chemo has finished and i’m absolutely terrified. I’ve already had x2 wide excisions and SNB plus chemo which should be finished in Dec but the thought of this op and recovery makes me feel sick.

daisy you have gone through so much you sound like you are doing brilliantly, be kind to your self it’s early days yet.

Are you ladies pleased with the results of your ops?


Hi Jane

Yes ‘Babs’ (my name for the new boob) looks great.

I was really scared too but it honestly wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.
PM me if you want to - I’m more than happy to share details and even pictures if you want.


Thanks, once I get the chemo out the way I may need to get back to you for some more reassurance!!

Hi White Daisy

I have had two LD flap, one in 2008 and one in August this year. I had 5 drains in each side but my surgeon kept me in hospital until they were removed. I was really surprised that you went home with them in but know each hospital is different. When they take the drains out concentrate on your breathing and wriggle your toes and they come out much easier.

A couple of months after my first surgery I went to water aerobics which was great as it was such gentle exercise and anything to do with water seems to give me an appetite.

I agree that little and often is better. Your body has been beaten up and will recover over time. I also keep smoothies in the fridge for when I don’t want to eat but fancy something healthy. I also keep chocolate for yummy treats.

I used aqueous cream on my scars on the first operation and they are practically non existent.

Good luck with the chemo and I hope you get your drains out soon.
