Surgery done, few questions

Well had my mastectomy and strattice reconstruction done Thursday. Home now but its not been easy as I develop a blood clot and had to have another surgery to remove it. Just wanted to ask the last couple of days I’ve had a tight crushing pain in breast where implant is pressing. At times it get really bad as if an elephant sitting on breast. Is this normal??? Just feel like implant feels so uncomfortable. I know its early days but like some advice xxx

Hi Hay

Whilst you await replies I would suggest calling your BCN or the ward where you had surgery for advice as it sounds like you may need medical advice if you are worried, if you want to ask our helpliners for information about this you are welcome to ring 0808 800 6000 tomorrow and lines are open at 9am.

Take care


Hi Lucy
i have spoke to breast care nurse who said its due to swelling as I had 2 surgeries .

Are you sure it is the implant? Because that is a good description of what I felt after my mastectomy. I described it at the time as if I had an iron strapped to my chest, so it was both a hard feeling and a heavy feeling.

Hi roadrunner im not sure if it implant or if you would feel this tight feeling if you only have a mastectomy. I know its early days and I still have drain in which is quite sore when u move. How long did the heavy ness take to go for you.

I had my strattice recon done two weeks ago and am still quite sore. I’m taking lots of painkillers so that’s helping. I think it’s pretty normal to feel as you do as its only been a few days. I was in hosp for 6 days and was on mega painkillers whole I was there. Feel very tight and uncomfortable like a wire from a bra is digging into me even though I’m not wearing any. Chest is right but feels better on one side. I needed up getting a double recon as my good side had continual cysts. My good side is doing well but sorer on expander side, they have to stretch skin gently on original mast side. I think what you are feeling is to be expected. I’m told it gets better…I’m waiting patiently!!

Hi all-I’m having a skin sparing mastectomy with strattice and implant (poss expander too) on 22nd Jan. Can anyone tell me how long you had to stay in hospital and how you functioned afterwards?

Mulligans-is 6 days in hospital a standard do you know? Good luck with your recovery

Hi sukiem
i stayed for 3 nights but I did have 2 surgeries but I was told it was a 2 night stay normally. As you can see from my previous post I am ok but quite uncomfortable. Xx

Hi mulligans thank you for your kind reply. It’s nice to know how someone else is doing. I’m having paracamol and ibrofen. But not doing a lot. I have got stronger that hospital gave me but they make me feel so dizzy and sick. So I’m trying to bear it :frowning: do you have pain when you bend forward in cleveage. Mine feel like implant is being squeezed and so uncomfortable. It’s the tightness and heavy that’s horrible. I know I need to just give it time. I had a hamatoma so had 2 surgeries so I think that’s added to the discomfort. How are you finding sleeping. I normally sleep on front so its hard to sleep on back. I have implant already in, is that what you have or explanders both sides. I’m so looking forward to feeling better. But you are so right just need time. Thanks agaim for your kind reply Emma xxx

Thanks hay and hope you feel better soon x

Hi hay
yes, strattice and implant here too, one year post op. Yes, I remember having to sleep on my back too, just sleeping on my side was not possible as it felt that the implant was falling down and it hurt. After a while that eases, and I can now sleep on my sides again. I did for a while after surgery wear a soft bra day and night, just to give support to it all, and that did help. Perhaps ask your BCN if that would be a good thing ? It will ease. If bending over hurts, then perhaps try not to bend for a few weeks (bend the knees instead to go down, and sit down when putting on shoes - even ask someone else to tie your laces) - you will feel better soon.
Sukiem - in my hospital one overnight stay is usual after mastectomy with strattice mesh recon. It depends whether you have someone at home to help look after you at home. Or whether there are complications. You will probably have a drain for a week or so. Your BCN should be able to tell you. I was not allowed to push myself up from a chair or bed with the affected arm for a few weeks after surgery, so I did practise before surgery how to do this, which helped me afterwards :slight_smile:

Thanks Christine, thats really helpful. Unfortunately my BC nurse has been consistently unreliable and not turned up for planned meetings/given me information as requested etc. So this site is such a godsend.

Just another question too-how long between surgery can you have nipple tattoo/construction (if anyones had this)? x