Hi all,
This is my first post. Quick history, found lump about 3 months ago, mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy. Diagnosed with grade 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Ultrasound said lymph nodes clear.
had Wide Local Excision on Friday, Sentinel Node Biopsy showed cancer in it and the next node but third one clear, auxiliary clearance done ended up staying in overnight, drain in situ.
I’m home, obviously feeling sore and if I’m honest feeling very sorry for myself knowing it spread to the lymph nodes. Original plan was radiotherapy but I’m assuming I will now need chemo as it spread to the lymph?
Also, does anyone have any tips for sleeping with the drain, I’m paranoid I’m going to pull it out and it’s so uncomfortable trying to sleep on my back trying not or move, hence no sleep last night! I tried going onto my good side but the bad boob feels draggy and when I try my bad side it just aches!!!
i really want to get back to normal as soon as possible but I need sleep to do it!!! any help or ideas would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hi Debbie I’m kind of where you are in terms of diagnosis nd surgery woke up feeling very sore to learn 5 nodes removed as they were hard don’t know what this means and told of BC surgeon possibly more surgery to come! had op Thursday get results off 31st I’m praying I don’t have to have another op I don’t have a drain but kind of wish they had just cleared the nodes out then and there suppose they know why! Fingers crossed
Hi Debbie,welcome to the Warriors club. You are sounding great. Very positive and matter of fact, so you will do great. You need a v shaped pillow to keep you propped up in bed, so no danger of rolling re drain. You put the drain in a small shopper type bag with longish handles, and then hook the handles over the back of a chair,then pull the chair right up next to your bed. Lots of length then, so no pulling. Hope you’re sleeping in a supportive bra as that does help. I was told to sleep in one for six weeks, and I’m still in one 12 weeks later! You can keep your book, I pad, hair brush,hankies and lippy in the bag as you wander about. I’ve had a 23mm ductal carcinoma removed by WLE, with full Lymph node excision. Means i have to be a bit more careful from now on re infections. Gloves for housework and gardening. No cuts or nicks on the hand that side. Probably 5 days until the drain is out, and really it’s all systems go then. I had friends over rather than go out, but it’s not impossible if you get your little bag organised . Very very important to do your arm exercises. Prevents Lymphodema, and you will need to lay with arms behind head for some of the tests they will do to make sure there’s nothing floating about - just a precaution. Unfortunately I think you may well have chemo. It’s not bad. I’m going into second session on Friday. Bit of nausea and hay feverery symptoms, tiredness but ok so far. Don’t be frightened , you’ll make it. Wish I could help more on the sleep side. Some ladies use camomile tea, or herbal sleep stuff, or see the GP? Anyway, good luck, and let us know how you get on. X
Thanks for the tips everyone, hoping for a better night tonight ?