Surgery in the morning !

i am having a lumpectomy and sentinel node removal and should be asleep as have to be up in 5 hours 

i am also having a gynaecology procedure at the same time seemed sensible to only have one lot of anaesthetic plus it saves the NHS money but then have too wait for clear margin result and core biopsy from gynae procedure.

Have had a last minute MRI today for gynae procedure as decision was made last minute to do both together 

seeing I was awake last night due to my complete Phobia of cannulas and having blood taken etc they kindly have left the cannula taped to my arm so phew it’s in there for the morning hope it doesn’t fall out if I do eventually sleep.

I have kept myself distracted to the point now I have to stop as I also have ME and worried about how I will be after the anaesthetic.

Worried I will cry , worried I will faint when the wire is inserted and worried I shall not stop talking - which I do when I get anxious 

taken sleeping tablet - bet it won’t work didn’t last night 

 I have found this forum so very helpful and supportive.

thank you all 


Oh BizzyLizzie you poor thing. I pray all will go well for you today. It will be over before you know it. The stress of our actual situation is more than enough to contend with but when surgery is included it puts worries through the roof. I cannot say to you don’t worry, don’t stress, be positive and all the things others say to us as its not until you arrive at the hospital it’s how you feel and not others. 

Its all over quite quickly so when you wake up just tell yourself “thank goodness”. Try and not think about how it ‘might’ be in the days ahead,take it all as it comes. Your team will take care of everything you may need and remember it’s an everyday thing for them so will be the best.

Afterwards lots and lots of rest whilst still taking a wander round the house. Homemade healthy food, fluids and if you feel like crying well Just let it happen. Do the gentle exercises they give you and be very selfish and let others help when they can.

i wish you were not here on this forum as none of us want to be here but what a wonderful understanding support for us all.

take care xxx 

Hi BizzyLizzy 


Hope all has gone well for you today. I am also terrified of cannulas (there is no way I could come home with one in so yay you!!)


I have Parkinsons so had the same concerns about the anaesthetic but the team know your history and will give you the best care – though when I came around I felt like I’d had the best sleep ever. You are completely normal to have concerns (you would be a little odd if you had none) plus its worse when you can’t sleep.


Let us know how you get on xxx