surgery & lifting kids

I had my mastectomy on the 24th August and wondered when I could safely lift my one year old and push her in the buggy. I was told it could take up to six months but that seems sooo long. Is anybody else in this situation with small children? Thanks.x

6 months is too long, I would say.

I had mastectomy and reconstruction from my back and the advice I got was not to lift for 12 weeks. That was just right for me and I lifted my 2 year old into cot for the first time after 12 weeks. My physio told me that I was OK to push a buggy right away, but quite frankly I would not have been up to it without getting exhuasted.
If it is 12 weeks for mast and recons, I don’t see any sense in having to wait longer when you have not had reconst.
I know it is hearbreaking not being able to carry them, especially when yours is so young. Try it out slowly lifting not very far.

Most children begin walking at around 1 year, so possibly, very soon, your daughter could be encouraged to get into the buggy largely by herself and you just strap her in? Guide her in, rather than lift her in.

Thanks for your help girls.x