Surgery next week

Thought to start this thread to support ourselves who will be having the surgery in Dec. 

I’m having my left mastectomy plus sentinel nodes removal Wednesday the 7th Dec. 

Dear Angela

Thinking of you, wishing you lots of luck with your surgery next week.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, don’t forget taking all the help offered look after yourself I always say one day at a time, with lots of rest.

Lots of love for a very happy Christmas.     Big hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow:

Hi Angela1234

Sending a virtual hug, you will be fine.  I had right mastectomy with lymph nodes removal 10 days ago. I’m still waiting for results from surgery to see what other treatment I shall be getting. It can be scary but there are lots of lovely people on here with lots of advice if you need it.  Wishing you well for the 7th.  :two_hearts: