Surgery on Tuesday

Hi, just wondering if there are any younger ladies in a similar position I’m 38 and have bilateral breast cancer having my double mastectomies this week and sentinel node biopsies. Feeling unsure and a bit scared to be honest! Xxx


Welcome to the forum , you could also post in the Younger women section , I’m sure you will find people who’ve been through similar . Best of luck with your operation . Jill x

Wishing you all the best for your operation. Get as much support around you as you can - including from the lovely people on this forum. I only joined yesterday but I think it really helps to know that there are others out there who understand the fears and that you aren’t alone…

Hi @anon13

Welcome to the forum, we hope you find it a helpful and supportive place.

Please do have a look through the various boards and topics to find those going through similar experiences or for places you may be able to share your experiences and knowledge.

We’re wishing you all the best with your surgery tomorrow, we’ll be with you all the way, whenever you need us :heart:

All the best,


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