Surgery tomorrow (4th May)

Hi maxi. The leaking fluid sounds scary. I have the fluid but it’s trapped around all over where my boob was and under my arm. Apparently it’s a seroma.
It’s so big I’ve nearly got my 34D boob back. Ive actually got a cleavage. Not what you want when you’ve just had a mastectomy. It’s not painful but feels horrible. My bc nurse doesn’t want to drain it as she says this carries a high risk of infection.
The things we have to go through. ?

Hi maxi.
They’ve advised just to leave it and it will eventually reabsorb. Apparently wearing a tight bra 24/7 can help the process so fingers crossed it will work for me. It’s the swishing that’s the worst. I feel as though there’s at least a litre in there. ? It’s not particularly painful, just a really horrible weird sensation. My bc nurse says it usually takes about a month to clear up. X

Maximiliana (great name… My son is Maximillian?) do you have your diagnosis already? I’m not sure what questions to ask. I was diagnosed grade 2 invasive ductal cancer and her2+… so lumpectomy and then chemo afterwards. I have alot of questions when I see the omcologist. I am nervous tomorrow as they removed lymph nodes so the results from them aswell and hopefully everything they got from the actual tumour was correct from the biopsy! X let me know how you got on xx

Just in case anyone else is unlucky enough to develop a seroma. I felt as if my boob was going to burst this morning. Hubby had to put a holiday in at work to take me to see my bcn. She says she’s glad I went. It was big. She drained 580mls from it. ??
I felt like a new woman when I left. Relief. Apparently I may need another 5 or 6 drains before it disappears. I’ve been exercising like crazy since my op. On the hour every hour. I’m no expert, but I definitely know it got bigger the harder I worked on exercising. I know this is an extremely important part of our rehabilitation but I think I may of over done it. I’ve read some interesting studies online that back this up. I’m certainly not going to stop, but I’ll be sticking to three times a day from now on. X

I also found out today that some surgeons do something called quilting instead of the usual stitching. If you have this, then you won’t get a seroma as there’s no space left for the fluid to build up. Apparently some surgeons don’t bother with it as they’d rather operate on more people over the day than waste time doing the quilting stitch. So it’s a case of whether your doc decides on quantity over quality. Even though I’m going through this, I do understand why a surgeon would want to fit more ops in over the day rather than ensure we don’t get a seroma.

Hi, I’m a week post op (lumpectomy) but have started leaking from my wound since last night has anyone else had this a week on? Not sure whether to get it checked or if it’s just part of it healing xx

Hi fee. Yes, that’s normal. You might want to ring your bc nurse as they may want to dress it. Mine was trapped under the stitches. They drained 580 mls out yesterday. ?
Apparently it’s the same as the fluid build up when you get a blister. It’s very common. If there’s a space around your wound then it will often fill up. X

Thanks feelthefear, I had an allergic reaction to the dressings and blistered under the clear tape so they took the dressings off on Friday and it’s been undressed since then but not had any leakage as such but when I woke up this morning it’s been leaking a fair bit and is still weeping under my top only aware of it really because it’s coming through into my clothes xx I’ll maybe give them a call thank you xx

Maximiliana how did it go? X my appointment was cancelled ??


Sorry to jump in but I think that cancelling your appointment is awful…we all have such anxiety building up to these appointments.

I hope you get your results soon!

I am waiting but a different stage!

Sandra x

Hi,  just in need of a hand hold as having a really bad day today.  Yesterday, felt great, drove for the first time, did bits, took off my dressing and was ok with the scar.  It leaked a tiny bit in the night so I redressed it.  Had hleft a message for bc nurse as to when my appt would be.  So she phones today and my appointment is on Thursday but the results aren’t back yet but should be back by then.   Feel a bit wobbly about that but hey ho. Then she drops in ‘well as your HER2 positive results are borderline, they will have gone for further testing.’   I know this is stupid of me but whenever they talked about treatment it was lumpectomy and radiotherapy unless the calcium thingies came back as positive in which case it would be mx and chemo.  They were begnign and all the way along its been lump and radio.  I know that if the results come back dodgy that might mean more surgery and possibly chemo but no one has mentioned the HER2 stuff.  My husband doesn’t recall this either.


i’ve looked at my results and she’s right, it is HER2++ borderline.  I just feel devastated.  I know it’s not the end of the world but feel like this has been jumped on.  This hasn’t been part of my mindset and no one has mentioned this before.  I now feel that Thursday is going to be bad news and this is going to be the long haul whereas in my head, I was back to normal for September.  Working in a school environment means the side effects become very visible to a very wide audience.


sorry, just feeling weepy and back to square one.  Haven’t felt like doing anything today and where I was really positive now thinking doom and gloom.


Bless you! It’s tough isn’t it!

I am a teaching assistant and thought I would be back for term 6 having a lumpectomy and SNB Lymph nodes looked clear on ultrasound.

They found 1 micromet on sentinal node so I opted for full axillary clearance which I had on May 3rd.

I haven’t got my first oncology appt until 19th June! It was just going to be radiotherapy and tablets …now who knows!
I was knocked back to square one with anxiety and depression.

Feel a bit better 3 weeks on and so will you!

Sandra x

@sandrasussex they said something about the pathologist results weren’t back yet so no point in going in. They want to discuss me at the meetings they have on a Tuesday so it will be towards the end of next week now. I was disappointed as had geared myself up for it plus wanted to see my BCN but will ring her now tomorrow instead!

@flyingarcher sorry that you got the shock of being Her2 positive. My BCN cane out with that I was too so was told rather than 6 lots if chemo I would need 18 lots! Meaning rather than 18 wks would put me to 54! Huge shock but then it is what it is if I want to zap it all out! I need to go through genetic testing aswell which might mean a different outcome at the end of it all for me as may mean more surgery! We all have bad dark days and when you go for your appointment and it’s explained better you may feel better xxx

Good Luck with your results! Another step! x

Let’s hope neither of us needs chemo but if we do we can do it! I am terrified as I am on my own a lot but I won’t say no!

Sandra X


My arm is painful too …trying to do the exercises! It’s the underarm muscle! Ouchie!

I have some complimentary therapies through the Sara Lee trust at our hospice! I have aromatherapy, CBT/ counselling. May try acupuncture or reflexology!

Take care
Sandra x

I just want to add, yes the exercises are very important but they won’t prevent you from getting a seroma around your wound area. I’m proof. I started my exercise regime the morning after my op. On the hour, every hour. Once your drain is removed, if you’re going to get a seroma then you will. Unfortunately all of the exercises in the world won’t prevent this.

Hi Annie.
I’ve only had it drained once so there are probably more to come. ?
I read in the booklet my bcn nurse gave me that while in hospital they try to get you to do the exercises every hour, so I thought I should stick to that. I do have full use of my arm, shoulder etc now and I’m only two weeks post mastectomy and full lymph removal so I’m sure they did some good. The seroma isn’t painful, but swishy, and tight. Not very nice. X

Max, that’s brilliant.  You are now free of cancer.  Yipppeeee!


having a better day today.  Driven myself out to a local NT property and had a nice potter round and cake.  You can’t go wrong with cake…

Maxi no although I rang my BCN yesterday as had a few niggles going around my head and she said to come in today to just get checked out as I’m still quite swollen and pain in armpit. Plus very lumpy, although that is still all healing it’s peace of mind. They have meetings and discuss there patients on a Tuesday so my appointment don’t be till after then now x