Hi, I have just been told i need to have a single Masectomy with immediate reconstruction and had my first appointment with the surgeon in Leeds hospital. He has advised the best 2 options for me are the tram surgery and then the LD one where they take the skin from my back and also use an impant. He said the one with the best results is usually the tram one. I am now booked in with another surgeon on the 2nd october to see if i am suitable for this operation and then from there i hope to get a date for the operation.
Can anyone who has had this surgery tell me a bit about it, I am really interested in peoples experiences like how long they were in for afterwards and how long the recovery time was and the level of discomfort and pain after etc etc
I have also been advised that i may not have the perfect reconstruction afterwards with regards to matching the other breast and i may need to go back in for further surgery months down the line to improve it.
I am just wondering if this has been the case for a lot of people as i have no idea what to expect at all and am really interested in peoples stories and experiences as i dont know anyone that has been through this.
I am only 28 and so am quite saddended to be diagnosed quite young so its all very scary for me really!