
Well back home today after yesterdays surgery all went well the consultant said for my lumpectomy and full clearance of lymph nodes. Feeling very sore and bruised but pleased its over, now just to recover and get a date for my first chemo x

So glad everything went well hon:) and you are back home recovering.

big hugs

x x


Thankyou very much xx

So glad it went well.  Hugs Nel x

So glad everything went ok for you. I have my WLE and SNB on 20 august and starting to get a bit anxious.

Good luck with the rest of your treatment xxx

Can anyone advise me only had surgery on 8th aug for full node clearance and lumpectomy my arm is feeling very tight is this normal im trying to do the exercises but very painful and still very numb under my arm. is there anything that can help with the tightness

Many thanks for your comments i can see the nerves in my armpit when i try and stretch so i will keep doing the exercises as instructed. Seeing the consultant this thursday to make sure my op was a success (fingers crossed) and physio appointment same day. Wish you all well speak soon xxx

Hi nicnac

Possible after effects of surgery are discussed in the following link to the BCC ‘After effects of breast cancer surgery’ page which you may find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Feeling a little anxious and emotional tonight my arm is really hurting and have noticed either side of my scar has gone hard has this happened to anyone else ? could this be blood which has hardened under the skin near the wound ? the codine and paracetamol are not taking the pain away x

Well yesterday i had my follow up with the surgeon after having my op on the 8th aug disapointing news i have to have more surgery on the 9th sept as there not happy, they need to take abit more breast tissue as there not quite happy with the margin they took. The operation wont be as big as before and should be a daycase procedure but still a worry again. They had to drain my armpit yesterday also due to build up of fluid 80mls had built up no wonder i was in pain. Only problem now its started to build up again so back to where i was last week i feel like its one thing after another. Anyone else had the problem with fluid ? sorry to moan just not good at being patient so frustrated. Xxx

Well i had my second surgery yesterday to remove a bigger margin hopefully next thursday i will get good news that they have taken out enough and no more surgery needed. Im thinking then i might get more info when chemo starts just want to get on that road as im so nervous about it and how i will feel. Hope everyone is doing as well as can be. Xxxx