
Surgery done , apart from having my dressings changed 3 times because I wouldn’t stop bleeding all ok . I had a lumpectomy with senitol lymph node removal. I have had no need to take pain relief post surgery, bright blue toilet duck wee now just another waiting game for the path lab results

Hi Roloted


Had surgery two weeks and one day ago, I had masectomy and node clearance.  The wound is clearing fine but it feels like my breast is still there, as if it is really cold (can be quite painful).  I agree with you about the waiting game, I feel like there is no end to this, I am waiting to see the oncologist to see when I start my chemo, I know it seems to be taking forever but I was only diagnosed four weeks ago but it does take over your life.

I had my surgery on the 8th Sept, WLE and axillary node clearance. I have not had to take pain relief either  although I am completely numb in the area but my bcn did say to take ibuprofen to help with any inflamation. I was treated privately and got my path results yesterday, 12th Sept so only had to wait 4 days for them. I had chemo first and my consultant surgeon seemed genuinely pleased to tell me the chemo had done its job and the path results are all clear of cancer. I just have to have radiotherapy so I see my oncologist next week to start the process of arranging it all. I feel as if the worst is over now and I can start looking to the future again.

Still waiting for path results , was doing fine until a virus knocked me for six and have spent 2 days in bed .

Hi. I am now 1 week post op, WLE and axillary node clearance and now suffering pain, swelling and terrible bruising although I still have good mobility in my shoulder and arm. I really thought I had got away with all this as I did not have any of these symptoms imediately after the surgery. I am doing my exercises but it’s a little harder at the moment but hopefully this will not last for too long. Still feeling numb in the top of my arm and round the surgery area but hoping this will improve as time goes on. If anyone has found anything that helps it would be good to try them.

Have you had your path results or an appt yet Roloted?

Saw my consultant today , pleased with the wounds although my boob is numb and there is a bit of fluid build up, the wound under my arm is a bit tight Path results inconclusive as another very small lump found so second opinions sought to decide if it’s Dcis or Lcis , lymph node clear . MRI next then possibly more surgery . The ride continues

Cheers Sheila , I’m fine I have a good support network around me and interests to channel my energies . Karen