
I had lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node removal on Tuesday. I am very tender under the arm and i am struggling to get comfy in bed. Any help or advice would be very welcome.



Just a quick reply as I’m just about to go to bed!  


I had a mastectomy and complete lymph node removal on my right side back in September 2017.  I found a heart shaped cushion to be an absolute god-send  - which I used to place under my arm when I slept.  2 years on and I still sleep with my cushion - it’s become my new security blanket!!



The armpit discomfort far outweighs any discomfort from the chest area - keep up with the exercises too - in the long term you will benefit!


Take care x

I laid on my back with a pillow at the side under my shoulder supporting my arm.

good luck…