Surgical biopsy.... What should I expect?

Can anyone tell me their experience of having a surgical biopsy? A year ago I had a vacuum assisted biopsy on microcalcifications and core needle biopsy guided by ultrasound on a lump all in the same breast. The lump was a fibroadenoma and the microcalcifications I was told needed looking at again in a year’s time. (Now.) I had a magnified mammogram last week and I’m told the microcalcifications have noticeably multiplied (3cm) and changed characteristics. I also found out that as well as the microcalcifications & fibroadenoma I also have endosis with fybrocystic mastopathy (whatever that is) all in the same boob. So, I’m to have a surgical biopsy and a wire inserted. Will it be a general anesthetic for example? I’m not really sure what to expect…

Hi Poppy, sounds like it may well be an op under general to remove affected area then test it .Most women who have lumpectomy have guided wire and removal of lump for testing .Maybe ring your BC unit and ask for more information about the procedure .

Hi. Thanks for the info. I was wondering if it may be a general anesthetic. I’m not in uk and it’s a different procedure, no BC units here. If I haven’t received the appointment soon I’ll go to the radiology appointment dept at the hospital and find out more. Hoping to get it all done and results by Xmas! Last year I had the biopsies done at the beginning of Dec and had to wait till 4th Jan for the results!!!

That’s a long time to wait.I would def go and ask more questions so you know what to excpecf .

Yes. Thanks I will this week… I know the radiologist will put the wire in so I’ll start at that dept and see what I can find out. The waiting over Xmas last year was very difficult. X

I’ve received an appointment to see the consultant next week. Progress!!

That’s good.

Jill you were bang on…!!!

They want to do surgery under general anesthetic with wire localisation to remove the whole area of concern for biopsy. I’ve agreed to this. Had blood tests and an ECG after seeing the consultant and they decided I didn’t need the chest xray as I’m a non smoker. Next stage is pre op with the anesthetist which will be a week before surgery. They don’t know if it will happen before or after Xmas… They will phone me… So, back waiting…!!!

Anyway, progress I guess… But I’m a bit unsure about the general anesthetic bit… but maybe in the long run better as they maybe able to spend longer making sure they have it all… (I’m guessing.)???


No-one likes having a general but at least this way you will be sure they have removed it all if it does turn out to be something sinister.There is a lot of "anxious waiting " in this thing isn’t there ?

Yes. It’s the waiting that I find hard… Like most people it seems…!!


Had mine done last week. This forum has kept me sane for what seems like an eternity of waiting. The wire insertion was done via Mammo X-rays and was not pleasant - however the op under GA was fine. Waited 7 days and got all clear. Pace yourself especially afterwards and get plenty of ‘me’ time. Regardless of outcome you are literally running an emotional marathon and I really had to give myself a stern talking to - to take it easy and settle into a new normal. Some brave ladies on this forum. Take care

Thanks for the info. Glad to hear you had good results. I’ll take your advice!!

Best wishes.

Hi Poppyfields

Just for your info - 3 weeks after my surgery - still having to wear a bra in bed. Best advice I got was to buy front fastening sports bras…

Hope your pre op and plans get sorted


Thanks again for the advice, I’ve got sports bras but not front fastening so I’ll try and get some.

My pre op with the anaesthetist is on Wed so I’m not expecting my surgery until early Jan. I’ve been writing down questions for the anaesthetist and info I think he/she will ask me, meds, allergies, health etc but is there anything specific you can think of?



The only prob was having the wires done really early in the morning to fit in around radiographers schedule - my op wasn’t til later in the afternoon- so had to fast for so long it kicked off my reflux. On reflection I would have spoken about that beforehand. Not sure if we are supposed to mention shops here - but m and s do the front fasting sports bras - and some really soft post op ones too. Now using bio oil to sort out scar.

OK, thanks . Fasting is a topic on my list for Wed. I suspect I will be the same, wire early morning and surgery in the afternoon. I’ve got questions prepared for the radiologist and surgeon too.

I looked at M&S website earlier and they look good!!

Merry Xmas. Xx

Hi East side,

How are you? I got a zip up sports bra, so all sorted!
Surgery was delayed due to no beds but now scheduled for next Wednesday morning. Will be really glad to get it out the way.
Hope you are doing OK.