Suspected Breast Cancer Clinic



I too have never posted on a forum before, but I have never found myself in such a scary situation before. 


Having experienced what I thought was muscular pain around my arm pit for a day or so, I didn’t think anything more of it. Come the evening, I felt prompted to check my breasts and found what felt like a small lump.


I went straight to the GP on the following Monday and she has talked about lots of hardened tissue as well as this little lump. I have had cysts once before about 8 years ago, but I had never noticed this area of hardened tissue before. I have got a huge scar under my arm from cardiac surgery as a baby, so I perhaps assumed that anything there was related to the scar. 


I have got an urgent referral to the ‘suspected breast cancer clinic’ (the name of which has scared me to death) and I will be making a call in the morning to arrange an appointment. 


I just wondered if anyone else had encountered symptoms like this? I am very frightened and the waiting is very hard, so I thought that talking about it might help until I can find out more. 


Many thanks,


Hi Rachel,
First of all, it’s good you’ve been referred & it is usual practice to be referred under the 2 week rule, under ‘suspected’ as that’s routine. The Breast clinic is for any breast condition, not just bc & it is the only place that will sort it out for you.
Mostly, any breast symptom turns out to be nothing serious & bc would be the least likely reason behind it.
Just make your call tomorrow, then try & keep yourself busy until the appointment. Any general googling is best avoided, as you wont get an answer & it will only make you anxious for no good reason.
Let us know how you get on.
ann x



Just wanted to echo ann’s comments.


Sending you hugs


Helena xxx

Thank you very much x I am keeping everything crossed and trying to stay positive as best I can.

I will let you know how it all goes xx

Thank you Helena!


Those pants are amazing and they did indeed make me smile! 


Thank you do much for the support x I am beyond grateful for it x

Hi Rachel, 


I am thinking of you.  I too have a breast lump and an appointment at the breast clinic this thursday 22nd, my birthday too, which is rubbish. I have 2 children which I haven’t mentioned it to. Yes I too am thinking the worst but I’m a nurse in the hospital that I’m being seen in and my rational head tells me it wil be benign and its the waiting that is the worst.  


Stay strong.