Suspected breast cancer

Hey everyone,

I have been to the hospital with a lump which was quite small around 2cm and they did an ultrasound, no biopsy, and they said it was a Fibroadenoma.

Now it’s 7X5X1cm in size so I went back to the doctors and they’ve referred me back to the hospital with suspected breast cancer within two weeks, I have access to all of my notes through the NHS app and to see this is quite scary! Does this mean it’s serious or could it still be a fibroadenoma?

I can’t see much online about women with fibroadenomas over 5cm so I’m panicking.
I’m a 22 year old woman.


Hi @kbarfield12 I’m so sorry that you are in this uncertain position. It is difficult to have to wait for further investigation and results when all you want is confirmation of your situation.

I have no experience of fibroadenoma so can’t offer any relevant advice however I think it might be worth your giving the nurses here a call on 0808 800 6000. The call is free and confidential. I’m sure you would feel better having talked through your worries with them.

I hope the outcome is good for you. Please feel free to keep posting as you will find a lot of support here.

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Thank you for your response! I will give them a call x

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Welcome to the forum @kbarfield12

I am sorry you find yourself in this position, it’s no wonder you feel anxious. As @Tigress mentioned our nurses are extremely knowledgeable and kind. I hope that if you speak to them you find it helpful.

I hope that you get the outcome you are looking for. The forum and its supportive members are always here if you need us.

We’re thinking of you,


Hi kbarfield,
Sending a big virtual hug your way, my son is your age.
I really hope everything is good for you and want to encourage you to follow Tigress advice to phone the nurses, they can help you feel calmer.
About 11 years ago (at 37y.o) I was referred to breast clinic for a lump in my right breast, there they found a mass classified as birads 3 and a cyst.
They did a follow up for the mass at 6 months and at 12 months and said it was not BC because it did not grow/change.
As for the cyst it was painful at times and I could really feel it’s size, they told me that was because the cyst would get filled with some fluid depending of what time of my menstrual cycle I was.
Fast forward to September 2023, I was having continuous pain for 7 days on my right breast and my GP was on holidays so I booked with another doctor. They referred me to the breast clinic because they were concerned about the cyst (it was bumpy).
At the breast clinic check up my right breast was OK, the cyst was there and they also biopsed the previous lesion (that kept same size as 11 years before).
They did find IDC BC in my left breast, that gave no symptoms and was nonpalpable. It was not related to anything with my right breast.
Once again I wish you all best and a good outcome.

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