Swelling above collarbone that doesn't go down :-(

Hi, was wandering if anyone else has had problems with swelling above the collarbone? I’ve had issues for almost a year. Had an ultrasound in Oct which showed nothing. Since then the swelling which was going up and down, has now become a perminant swelling. 


I saw saw the breast surgeon (who didn’t examine the area) and Oncologist who said it was just a thickened area from the rads! This is the same Oncologist who told me it was Lymphoedema, until the Lymphoedema nurse told me it wasn’t. 


I have received a letter telling me that after discussions with the ‘team’ they think it would be prudent for me to go in for another scan, just to check on things. I don’t think it’s anything sinister, but would like to know that for sure.


so was wandering if anyone else has had the same issue? In the last month I have been getting more pain and discomfort from the area, and I feel like I have constant pressure on that side? Hard to explain! 


Appointment with with clinic is next Thurs, so will know more then. Xx

Hi Nannysal

                      I have not xperienced what you have BUT didnt want to read and run, when I have had excess swelling on my breast which I have lymphodema in, they always seem to put it down to rads damage, I am glad thy are scanning you again even if its just to put your mind at rest :slight_smile: it will help, please let us know how you get on, I no how much worry these unanswered problems can cause, take care


L x

Hi , my mum is facing the same problem as yours infact she always cry when the pain starts . In the last few weeks she has been feeling sever pains and discomfort around her chest area. Her collarbone is swelled and the place has gotten hard . Her doctor said it was infections and so he prescribed anti bacterial medicine for her but the pain and discomfort is still there.