Swelling in my armpit - what can it be?

I finished RT on 21st January and luckily suffered very few side effects from the rads. I didn’t have rads to my lymph nodes just my breast. In the last week I have noticed that I am developing what I can only describe as a swelling inside my armpit on my WLE and axillary clearance side. The swelling is within the armpit not near the surface, close to where my 11 lymph nodes were removed, is bigger than my original lump and is tender to touch. Also, it hurts when I get out of bed in the morning and sometimes when I move my arm. It might be getting bigger! Anyone else experienced anything like this?
Trying not to get too panicked as I have just passed my 12 month anniversary of finding my original BC - I know this is new because i have been rubbing lotion into the area for about 10 weeks.
I really appreciate this forum as I don’t think I can tell anyone here at the moment.

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Whatever it is you need to get it checked out. Might be lymphodema possibly which I believe is common with node clearance. Don’t worry about it being cancer it’s more likely to be a symptom of your surgery or rads your poor body has had a severe battering so you are likely to get some issues as a result. Ring bc nurse and see if you can get an appointment with the care team to reassure. I think this would be faster response than going through your GP who will be less experience in these matters.

Thanks Carrie, I guess I hadn’t considered lymphodeoma as I thought this affected your arm. My arm is ok, not swolled but I definitely have something going on inside the armpit. Anyone else had this?

Not exactly, but I have got lymphoedema of the breast and trunk, not right inside the armpit but just below it. I second the lymphoedema possibility. Lymph building up because it can’t drain so well as it used to. But you need to have that confirmed by someone who knows! and maybe get some treatment. My lymphoedema comes, they tell me, from RT to the breast (I only had 5 nodes removed, my arm is OK).

Hi HJ,
Am sorry you are having to deal with this- the 12 month anniversary is a huge milestone. Well done!
Like others, when I saw your post, I thought of lymphodema straight away. I had a lump under my arm, had an ultrasound, it was some oedema under my arm pit a few months after surgery. It was drained after the scan (with hindsight, possibly not a good idea). Phew I thought, thank goodness it wasn’t cancer. About a month later, I developed lymphodema in my hand.
At the end of the day, we are not doctors and your swelling could be due to any number of things. I would suggest getting it checked out and contact your surgeon/breast cancer nurse and ask if they think its oedema (GP’s don’t alwasys know).
Good luck!

Thank you Zeppa and Rattles. Lymphoedema seems likely. Rationally, I know I need to contact my BCN and get it checked out but the thought of starting investigations again is really bothering me. I know I am behaving like a child; I feel that if I say the words out loud I will have to deal with the situation, so currently I have my eyes tight shut, my fingers in my ears and I’m singing Lah Lah Lah VERY loudly so I can block it all out. Not sure this is a recommended technique for dealing with stress but its working for me this weekend.