Swimming whilst having treatment

Hoping to get away for a few days. Currently having chemo. It was mentioned that swimming was not advised. Jacuzzi or sauna can affe ct immune system so not to be used either. Can anyone explain why swimming is not recommended? No wounds or lines in. Would love to go swimming again. Not been since ops in June.

Hi Naturegirl

I’m having chemo too and I haven’t been swimming since all this started. First because of the surgery and now because of chemo. I would love to be swimming my way through this - I love the feeling of being in the water but I think the problem is the risk of infection and the fact that our resistance to infection is low during chemo. If anyone has any other thoughts please let me know.
Hope you have a good few days away Naturegirl - take care

I attended a deep water exercise class. I started when I was on weekly taxol (but I might have started earlier if I’d known about it). I guess I was lucky that my white cell count hardly dropped below normal limits, and I stayed pretty well as regards infections.

I did get a mild infection in my affected arm, but there was no evidence to suggest the pool had anything to do with that … I think it was connected to some pesky mosquitoes!

My s.i.l. who was also on treatment was horrified, but she had a pre-existing germ phobia anyway, and refers to swimming pools as human soup! As for communal hot tubs … She’d have had a fit at the very thought! :wink: