Having been on letrozole and zoladex for 4 years, the consultant is switching me to tamoxifen. The letrozole has caused various issues over the years, so time for a change. Has anyone else been through this? What changing side effects have you experienced?
I switched from letrozole and zoladex in August this year after being on them since November 2019. I had to swap as I gained over a stone and a half in weight, and the more I tried to lose weight the more weight i gained. In addition to this, my joints were agony, i could barely walk up the stairs. I am now on Tamoxifen, which i started in September after a months break from my hormone treatment. The side effects from Tamoxifen for me have been dizziness, very much the same as vertigo and hot flushes. However I have lost over a stone in weight now. i would say that the last 8 weeks for me have not been great due to these side effects. due to the dizziness i am taking anti sickness tablets and for the hotflushes i have just started taking Gabapentin. I am hoping that the symptoms will ease, but they do not seem to have done yet. If they do not subside in the next week i will have to get back intouch with my GP.