this is my first time posting so bear with me as I don’t know any of the abbreviations you all use!
Aug 2018 I was diagnosed with DCIS so had lumpectomy. No other treatment needed.
Feb 2019 diagnosed with Grade 2 bc (don’t know the details as I couldn’t take anything in and since then don’t want to go over things again …also known as burying your head in the sand!!). Had mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy, 1 node removed with microdot (think that’s right). Cancer was 11mm and hormone receptive so no other treatment apart from tamoxifen.
Fast forward to now and over the last week I’ve noticed my armpit (on mastectomy side) is swollen underneath and coming round to the front a bit. Very like when it was swollen straight after my op. Saw gp who had a brief look and said it was fatty tissue, he didn’t think I needed referring back to breast clinic. Didn’t feel happy with his thoroughness so saw another gp who immediately said I need referring! She did say she couldn’t feel any lumps, my scar looks good so she was a bit baffled, hence the referral. it doesn’t hurt, it isn’t inflamed, it’s not firm, it feels very much like extra fat or fluid (although not squishy).
im worried out of my mind that it’s come back, I’m waiting for my referral to come through but I’m in such a state my hubby said I can call tomorrow to see about going private.
In the meantime I really just wondered if anyone else has experienced similar or has any ideas? Sorry for the long post, never was good at cutting a long story short!! I’m 45 by the way. Thank you xx
It’s hardly surprising you’re anxious, given your history. Did no one mention seroma? I have one that comes and goes at the underarm end of my mastectomy scar. It’s a bit tender but eventually goes with massage. I had a full axillary clearance 15 months ago and my armpit still causes me grief! It’s a constant battle, with regular stretching, massaging, sweeping to the lymph nodes elsewhere. However, it’s to ward off the dreaded lymphodoema, which I believe also begins with swelling. I have a hardish ridge from my armpit to my scar - it’s breast muscle that doesn’t get enough massage or exercise.
I have little faith in my GP since she told me she had no experience of cancer treatments and side effects and I’d better try the hospital! I’m usually assertive and should have made a scathing comment but I was gob-smacked. That doesn’t mean I have no faith in the NHS tho. I had my surgery done privately, being unaware of the NHS two-week promise, but I don’t think I received better service than once I started chemo under the NHS, when the team was excellent.
In this case, if you really can’t wait, I’d say go privately but make sure it’s a trusted hospital like BUPA or Spire and not one of the tell-you-everything for £250 clinics. You should get an appointment by the end of the week if you’re lucky. There are several non-cancer possibilities you could focus on to reduce your anxiety but you really need to hear it from a consultant. Best of luck x
Hi Kah, I had surgery in 2011 , mastectomy, go flat. The swollen is at the side of my removed breast under my armpt. Puffy, soft , when press on it feeling like liquid inside though not, may be more like the tummy fat but a bit softer. I asked my onco, she took a quick look and threw 2 words ‘scar tissue’. she didn’t even bother to further investigate.