Swollen Boob 3 months after Rads

Hi all I’m new here. I was diagnosed in October 2009 with grade 1 IDC with a connected DCIS anyone else have this. I had a WLE snd nodes removed which were clear then had another op as they didn’t get clear margins. I finished 25 rads on 3rd March I still have a swollen, pinkish, itchy boob. Having a scan next week, anyone else in this situation. I’m also on Tamoxifen.

Hi Swissy,

I had a wle, though for a different diagnosis, and full axillary clearance last May, finished 25 rads in December (after chemo)

Have also had a red and very swollen breast. I believe it is more common in the well endowed. Have been having manual lymph drainage and been taped up by practitioner after last few sessions and the difference is amazing!

Try and get a referral; i know it is not easy or quick on NHS so start process as soon as possible. I am lucky having private medical insurance which we had intended but forgotten to cancel post retirement!! 20+ years no claims then wham they are certainly paying out now :slight_smile:


Best of luck

Hi Swissy,

I think you will get the answers your looking for if you go to the lymphoedema page.

There you will learn about cellulitis and lymphoedema.

good luck


Hi Swissy

Here’s the link to the lymphoedema page that anniemac is referring to if you can’t find it.


Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi, Thanks for info, I will check it out. I’m going for a scan tomorrow so hopefully that will sort things out a bit.