Swollen boob and nipple survey

Hello everyone/ anyone!

This raditherapy lark is not exactly my cup of tea - or should i say my body’s idea of a good time

I had number 12 today - only 21 left!

Before all this started by boobs looked like identicle twins. The odd difference but definitely a pair.

After the operation they looked like unidentical twins. Not the samme but they sort of belonged to each other. Like they had a squint. One a bit higher and pointing in a different direction but not the same anymore.

Now they look like mother and child! The “done” one is browner and far bigger. It was always bigger but now is very big.

To demonstrate - nipple sizes - diameters i.e. right across the centre of the nipple.

2 and 5/8 inches or 6.7 cm

3 and 1/2 inches or 9 cm

See what I mean - looking at just the nipple - the nipple itself is nearly an inch bigger!!!

The boob is far bigger than the other one and the swelling is making the silicone implant extremely uncomfortable. Wearing anything other thansomething very baggy is impossible as ANY pressure makes the boob very sore insde - think its the implant.

As you can imagine - I’ve only done a third - so what on earth is going to happen next!

I was having problmes getting in my clohes before due to weight and now I can’t wear anything remotely fitted as after aout 3 seconds my boob is screaming GET IT OFF!!

Any similar experiences very well received.

Oh yes ! - nearly forgot - my nipple looks like a shiny plastic glowing nipple - the skin is in fact my own.

Any info very very gratefully received
love FB xx

it would be helpful to know too if your boobs are still the same size …cheers FB xx

Hello Fizbiz!! long time no see…finished my rads in june, but remember the boob being a very different size. All has settled down now (back at work and knackered), but definitely aches now and again, especially if you ever bump it, be really careful. Also, I seem to have a permanently bigger brown nipple on the rad side. It makes me laugh whenever I notice it in the mirror.
Love to all, Zoe x

p.s. are your feet and hands achey?

hi Fiz

I said to my boyfriend, my boobs now look like a negative of each other. The untreated one has pale skin and a dark nipple. The treated one has gone dark skin, but the skin on the actual nipple has now disappeared so I have a pale nipple!

I think my treated breast is a tiny bit bigger but only noticable to me. the nipple is definitely bigger, you know when it’s cold and the nipples go all shrivelly, well I can see a big difference in my treated one.

They say things will return to normal


Hi Zoe

Lovely to hear from you!

Thanks for that - looks like the plastic nipple is staying! Perhaps they could radiate the other one to match?

Never had any pain in hands and feet only tingling. May still get a bit but not sure (I thinkI might be used to it) - anyway - no pain which is the main thing - do yours hurt then ?

love FB xx

I had 29 rads in total and I did get a very swollen and sore boob during it. I had WLE no implant but still my boob went rock hard and I got pain in it. I can relate to the no tight clothing, pressure on my boob was very painful. I can’t say I ever measured my nipples to compare sizes but I did end up with the radiated one being bright red and very tender.

My rads finished at the end of April and my boobs are still different colours - the tan is fading but still no-where back to what it was before. The radiated boob is also still very warm to the touch, last visit to oncologist he said it can take up to a year after the rads have completed for the tissues to settle down and go back to normal.

lilac - sounds great !! - thanks - I think! love FB

hi clarabel - thanks too - I missed you earlier - I think we crossed! love FB xx

… have to day no knowledge is sometimes the best - heh??? … AAGGGHHH !!!

I would love to know how they decide how many rads to give you. Fiz, you seem to have had a lot- 33. i am having 20- including 5 booster rads. Good luck everyone - FB hope soreness goes soon. I start tomorrow at 9.12am.

rach xxx

forgot that I was a few months ahead of you girls, the achey feet/hands are a treat to come when you start the arimidex or tamoxifen!!!

keep smiling, love to all, Zoe x