swollen boob

I had my last rad session in August…I saw my onc just last month and was discharged which was wonderful.However she did say my boob was still swollen and asked me what I was using on it…I have been using bio oil she said thats fine keep using it.The last few days my boob seems to have got slighty bigger and feels full and heavy and my nipple area is very hard and sensitive.I have been naughty and gone tinter…netting and what I can gather is I may have some fluid there.It also feels warm…Has anyone else had this or can offer advice on what to do.I will keep a very close eye and I think I will contact my breast nurse later today…I just feel a bit neurotic and was hoping some one could help me with some advice.
Thank you
Kate x

Hi Kate

If you feel it would help to talk to one of our helpliners about the symptoms you have if you haven’t managed to speak to your BCN, do call on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 during the week and 10-2 on Saturdays

Best wishes


Hi Kate
Same here - i finished RADS in Sept and my boob went back to normal then for the last week or so its been feeling hot and swollen. I saw a consultant on Wed as i was worried and they have given me antibiotics and said that if it gets worse in next couple of days to ring and they will do ultra sound to make sure nothing else is happening. Apparently you can get cellulitus.
i would phone BCN and get an appointment xx

thanks ladies I did see my breast nurse this morning and had peace of mind.She said it was still after effects of rads and that it can just flare up again sometimes…she said there was no fluid build up just swollen and told me to get doing the excersise from post op and massage aqueous cream into my boob 3 times a day.This BC keeps us busy doesn’t it!!!
Thanks again
Kate x

Hi Kate - funny how different people say different things isnt it? I wasnt advised to do any of that just take antibiotics. Hmmm well it’s keeping me warm anyway ha ha xx

LOL Ceej …she said there was no infection so didnt need botics but yes different nurses say different things…at the end of the day I think its just up to us being body aware and sensible…Its definatley keeping me warm too infact its pretty burning at the moment …maybe thats the Tamoxifen…lol x