swollen lymph nodes in neck - regional recurrence?

Hello everyone
I was diagnosed in Nov 2009 with a Grade 2 tumor, had WLE, radiotherapy and am still on tamoxifen. I’ve recently found a lump in my neck, and my doc has referred me to the oncologist but my appointment isn’t until next weds. Can anyone give me a steer on what I might be up against? My prognosis post BC was good, so my rational self says this is nothing, but my scared self says it could be a regional recurrence. Having read up about it, it seems regional recurrence of breast cancer in the lymph nodes tends to be around the collarbone or under arm, whereas mine is high up in my neck, tucked under my jaw. It aches, but otherwise I feel well. I’ve had the lump for a fortnight and sore throats for about a month before that. It is on the same side as I had BC. Any thoughts? I’m trying not to worry, but not succeeding massively well! Thank you.

Hello dibberdobber,

I’m sorry to hear you have this worry. it does sound as if it’s related to your sore throats; perhaps the lymph gland working overtime to fight some infection. But it’s good to hear that your GP is being cautious by sending you to your onc to get it checked out properly, given your history. Of course, that just sends us into panic mode, but hopefully you’ll get the reassurance you need before too long.

If you can’t wait until next Wednesday, it might be worth using the BCC Ask the Nurse service via the helpline to talk through your concerns. Fingers and everything else crossed for good news soon. Sending hugs,


Thanks so much Angelfalls for your lovely response. It probably is nothing, but you can never treat things as nothing ever again once you’ve had cancer, can you? I think I hate that most about having had it - you can’t so easily just shrug your shoulders when you get ill and dismiss it. You always have to go to worse case scenario, in this case over a swollen gland! I really appreciate your support, and you’re right, maybe calling the Nurse might be helpful.
Thanks again, xx

I know its easy to say “don’t worry”, so I won’t. What I would say is that thinking logically, if you had never had BC and it swelled up following a series of sore throats, you would think and assume that the two were connected. And the fact that it is up by your jaw would seem to suggest an ear/nose/throat infection. So chances are that that is what it is. Obviously you are doing the right thing, getting it checked out, and like you say having had BC, every twinge following that sends us completely into panic. We can all relate to that, even a couple of years down the line.

I to was diagnosed in 2009 grade 2, I had a mastectomy chemo and tamoxifen. I have also got lymphoedema in my arm and have had a few infections, during 1 of the infections i noticed a lump above my collar bone, I thought is was just a swollen gland. It was still there weeks later and I have been feeling very unwell, heart racing, breathless etc. I went to GP and she ordered blood test and ecg. I then mentioned lump on neck and she seemed very concern and refered me for a ultra scan. I have had that done and they have done a needle biopsy my mind is now racing, what do they think it is? I’m now thinking what your thinking a regional reccurence. I do not get the results until next Friday, I cant belive I’m going through all this again. What else could it be?

Hi Susjon,
I’m really sorry to hear about all you’re going through, and particularly the long wait you have until you get the results of the biopsy. I’m thinking of you. I was also interested to hear you had had a racing heart and breathlessness, as I’ve had that now, on and off, for months and was unsure about what it could be. Now I’m worried it is perhaps related to the lump, although I’m not sure how. Do you find you have a tight, fluttery feeling in your chest that gets quite tiring, and then the sense that your heart is galloping, eventhough your pulse stays normal?
Anyway, just wanted to make contact and wish you well. I’m seeing the onc on Weds and kind of expecting to have ultra sound and perhaps a biopsy.
I guess try to stay positive, keep yourself busy and distracted as much as possible to get you through until next Friday. Not easy, I know. Let me know how you get on. Sending hugs,

Hi dibberdobber

Thank you for your kind words. I am really trying to stay positive but it didn’t do me much good last time. That always stays in the back of your mind when waiting for results.
I hope you get on ok when you see your onc. Your symptoms are the same as mine which is strange. It could be anxiety; I had an ECG, which did not show anything up.

Anyway lets keep positive and wait for the good results.
Take care
Susjon x

Hi How have your results gone? I had BC in 2009 and had mastectomy and chemo, then local recurrences in 2010/11 with more surgery, chemo and radiotherapy.
Had a check up in June and mentioned a swollen gland on left (BC) side of throat. It was picked up originally by my dnestist in April. Nobody seems overly concerned but I am to have a scan before my next appointment in October. No pain and generally well so I’m telling myself it’s nothing to worry about! In my experience they’re quick to act if they think it is a recurrence.
Do hope your results are positive.

Just wondering how you all got on with your results. I really hope it was good news all round. Let us know if you have chance.