Symmetry surgery/reduction & lift

I had a left side mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction Sept 23. I’m booked to have right side reduction/lift end of March. I’m 59 years old & also had a left side lumpectomy in 2008.

Could anyone who’s had the symmetry surgery share their recovery timeline. How long after surgery could you shower, wash hair, go for walks, exercise (I do Pilates twice a week), drive. It’s been suggested I’ll need 1 - 2 weeks off work. But other places suggest recovery is longer. I work from home 21 hrs a week in recruitment.

When could you drive? Travel.

Did you have much swelling of stomach/boob operated on?

Any helpful tips.

I have my pre assessment appointment in 2 weeks but usually find ladies on here who’ve had similar surgery are better to advise.
