Symptoms after Biopsy...

Afternoon all,

I had a biopsy on wednesday and now i have pain in my other breast along with severe neck and back pain/headaches.I also have large red boil like lumps under the opposite armpit.Suppose I’m driving myself mad at the moment fearing the worst.Get my results back next weds 4pm.Has anyone had any side effects or illness straight after biopsy? this to be expected.I’m so stressed I’m 29 my mum has early onset dementia, my dad is battling a hormonal tumour in his liver,i have 2 children and im getting married in 5 weeks time:O((.Oh and i cant stop eating jelly babies!..xx


After my biopsy last August I passed out 2 days after; but it sounds as though you should be calling the screening centre. Possible you have an infection. They may want to see you before Wednesday or go & see your GP on Monday.

Does your boob feel hot? May not be any connection as it is your other boob.

Have a wonderful day when you get married & I need no excuse to eat jelly babies.

Take care

oh no, why does everything get thrown at us at once, why cannot we get a card when we have BC saying no more problems please. you realy have a lot to handle at the moment.

As to the symptoms, well I think as soon as you know there might be something wrong with one breast you hold yourself differently and aches and pains spring up. then after the biopsy you sleep differently so again you get pains. Also once you realise your body is not invincable every little minor problem seems a major sympton of something worse. the breast that has the lump does not have boils, so boils in the other

of course you are worried it might have spread, at the moment you do not have any information to say that it has or has not and its only natural to speculate.

four days to results, thats going to feel like four years. and its a time you should be gearing up for your wedding not thinking about this. Any time over the next four day you feel like coming on here to get more info, or to rant or just to worry do it, every body is so sympathetic, and answering other peoples posts takes our minds off our own problems.

Have you told the clinic about your wedding date?? if it does turn out that you need furthur investigation or treatment the clinic will have a little meetine with all the experts before they see you to work out a schedule of what is to happen. If they know about your wedding they can factor it in.

oh and stop eating the jelly babies, you wont get into the dress, and you might get spots–not a good look on the big day.

I was uncomfortable after my biopsy and armpit thingy for quite a few months afterwards. Infact, i had my SNB (an op to take some nodes out of your armpit) last week and this has proven to be less problematic. I’m thinking they may have ‘nipped’ a nerve during the biopsy procedure.

You’ve so much on your plate already. This is just adding to the stress and as has been said, the waiting is the worst.

I would call the Breast Unit on Monday, even if it’s just for some reassurance. If you can’t wait that long maybe go to your local hospital if you’ve got one. Just explain that you’ve had this procedure and your concerned that it’s become infected.

As for the Jelly Babies - Enjoy!

thanks ladies…Im up and down right now.
Had some swelling in my arm so was at out of hours yesterday…2 days till results! xx

Hi - I’ve found it reassuring that it isn’t just me feeling ugh after a biopsy though I don’t mean that as selfishly as it sounds! Hope you feel better soon and that the stress around you calms down a bit.
I had my biopsy this Tuesday and am pretty brusied and sore. Sleeping isn’t a bundle of laughs is it? I was taken to a different consulting room to the other women and they told me the results were ‘worrying’ but I had to wait a week for the pathology report. So ‘worrying’ is all I’ve been doing since. I know some people don’t eat when they worry but I’m having a hard time not reaching for the chocolate every 10 seconds.
Am so glad there are people here to talk to as my husband and I haven’t told anyone yet until we know what to actually tell them. Half the time I’m in denial and the rest of the time I just feel sick. I suppose at least I’ll know the worst on Tuesday.