Symptoms and signs

Hi I have just recently found a lump in my right breast roughly about the size of a pea. My right breast has also shrunk dramatically in size and the area where the lump is is quite tender. I also have a lump around the same size in my armpit and have had some strange nipple discharge. I went to the GP today and have been referred to the breast clinic for a follow up appointment. I was just wondering what other women’s symptoms were and how there initial experiences were when dealing with the possibility of breast cancer. I am 25 years of age and have three small children so I am extremely nervous incase it is something to worry about. Any of your stories would be a great help as I am completely in the dark about how all of this works. Thank you in advance! X

Hi Jencaco,


I too found a lump in my breast.  I do monthly checks and found it while doing that.  I didn’t have any other symptoms but a new lump that felt hard and didn’t move around when I touched it.   My GP thought it was nothing be referred me to the breast clinic for a mammo and ultrasound just to be sure.  I from there had a core needle biopsy and found out it was cancer.  I am 30 years old, was diagnosed at 29.  It was a really scary report to receive.  I  knew in my heart that it was going to be bad but you still are never prepared for the results.  I found strength in my family, friends and fiance. I hope for you that it is not cancerous, but if it is, you too will be okay.  Its a bump in your road but you will soon look back on it as something that only made you stronger.  Good luck! xo

Dear jencaco

Welcome to the BCC forum.  I’m sure you will find a lot of support here from fellow members.

I’ve attached a link to our publication which explains what to expect at your breast clinic appointment.  I hope this is helpful:

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Thank you for your reply. My GP also thought it was most likely to be nothing because I am young as everyone keeps saying to me but it’s become more apparent to me the more time I spend on these sites just how many young people it truly effects. How are you doing now? Are you still receiving treatment? Good luck to you too. I’m hoping of course that it isn’t cancerous but either way us women have to stay strong! Xo

Breast cancer starts when cells in the breast begin to grow out of control. These cells usually form a tumor that can often be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump. The tumor is malignant (cancerous) if the cells can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. Breast cancer occurs almost entirely in women.


To Know more Details about Breast Cancer visit this website

Hi jencaco and hopeful123, I saw your thread and just wondered how you both are? Praying all has been good with you both x x