anyone on this…lots of you seem to be on FEC and i’d assumed i’d get that one, but I have learned they have chosen TAC for me. I am starting in ‘about 3 weeks’, but am going to phone them tomorrow to see if they can give me a more accurate idea of when, so I can sort my life out,( uni course amongst other things!) etc.But, i’d like to know how it affects you?? I am going to Holland, for a long weekend in March, so that would be around the 2nd, or even 3rd dose of the TAC, and I’m concerned as to how tired, etc I might be

hi Narnia

I was on the TAC regime too,I finished about September.

I cannot deny it was harsh but I was always reasurred by being told that it was only given to ladies they thought are strong enough to cope with it!

I kept a diary of each cycle so eventually I noticed a pattern and then I became more prepared for the next time. I usually found the week of the chemo I was just useless,literally in bed as I ached incredibly and nauseous. The second week was better able to eat but mouth was sore,by the third week I was feeling “nearly” back to normal ready for the next lot!

I spoke to a couple of other ladies who had TAC too and all three of us differed.The best piece of advice I can give is listen to your body!

As for planning things ask your Breast care nurse or your chemo unit.Sometimes it depends on your blood test too and remember whilst on chemo your immune system is suppressed. But again you are the one who knows your body best and if you can enjoy life!!!

good luck!!! Jen x

HI Narnia, Good luck to you during the next few weeks, I am on TAC and like JennieF said you do need to listen to and respond to your body. I have been quite fortunate in that I was not sick or felt nauseous. I lost my hair, have a sore mouth for a few days and feel tired but it is doable. If you want any other info just ask. I have had 5 so 1 more left!!!

Hugs Sharonxx

Thankyou, ladies…do-able is what I want to hear! I rang the chemo unit today to see if they could give me any better idea of when I will start ,but they couldn’t.Nurse said she will contact me ‘sometime this week’…so, the wait goes on!

…and she was true to her word…I was called this morning to tll me my permissions and wig lady appointments are on Monday 19th Jan…and TAC number 1 on Wednesday,21st Jan…GUESS who’s nervous now???

Hi Narnia

I was nervous too when going for my first TAC. It’s the not knowing what’s going to happen, that makes it all so daunting.

Be assured though that it’s all so easy on the day and you’ll wonder why you were so nervous. It’s not until a couple of days later that you will feel the effects of the chemo.

Hair lose is a major thing though, you think you are prepared for it, but when it happens - You realise you weren’t that prepared.
One tip though - Don’t wash your hair whilst taking a shower when it starts to fall out - I did! And it took me half an hour to get it off my body, it was tangled between my toes and around my belly ring.

I’ve just had my 3rd TAC, it’s doable - As they all say on here…

Good luck
