TACT 2 Arm 2

Hi All

7 weeks have passed since Mastectomy and reconstruction and had my 1st Chemo last Thurs…feeling ok so far but was wondering if any of you could share your experiences on this arm of the trial. I am 31 and have a 1 year old son, so am hoping that I can get on with life whilst having this treatment.


Hiya Frank,

I was also on TACT 2 arm 2 when I had chemo from May to Oct last year. I was 34 when I started chemo, living with my boyfriend but no children. Personally I found the Epi to be nowhere near as bad as I had imagined, although it defo accumulated so I found I was feeling more tired and for longer after each one. CMF was very doable though, and after having the accelerated Epi I welcomed the 3 week break I got after each cycle of CMF. My side effects on CMF were minimal, I had little or no nausea and much more energy than on Epi. Also, my hair started growing back and by the time I finished I ahd a decent enough covering to go commando!

When I was on chemo I started a thread called ‘top tips going through chemo’, check it out if you get a chance,

Take care and all the very best to you,


Hi Frank,
I am on TACT2 arm one, I had my second epi last Tuesday and due again on 1st July for number 3. I am having the same as you but the long country route!! There are quite a lot of TACTers on here, if you do a search you can find people on your arm too. You will catch me up quickly as your doses go faster. I found I was much more emotional after the second epi, although as this coincided with my hair giving up the ghost and turning me into a monk, that might be relevant! I did not cope well with that after having the cold cap on for 3 hours 2 days previously. I do feel the fatigue is getting tougher with epi, for some this increases but others seem to disagree. My blood counts took a bit of a pasting but still well above minimum levels so far, hope that continues.I just have to take it really easy from day 4 to day 8 and then it just disappears suddenly and I can do anything again until day 21. I would keep a diary of your symptoms so you can plan which days you need help with your little chap, which days you need to avoid other toddlers because your immune system is down and then you should be able to do anything you want the rest of the time. If you are unlucky on that low immune bit you lose your best time but you might not be so sensistive as you are protected more with injections. I just plan the tricky bits and have a great time for the rest, apart from when I get carried away and eat something silly!
Lots of luck and x for baby
Lily x

Hi Frank

I am on the same arm of the TACT 2 trial as you. As you have probably seen from the other threads everyone reacts differently to the treatment. I am due to have my third epi tomorrow. I struggled with nausea after the first two treatments and couldn’t function well for 3-5 days due to nausea and for a week all in all. The hospital changed my anti sickness meds after the first treatment which helped a little and have done again for my third so fingers crossed. After the second treatment I also developed that foul taste in my mouth which was relieved with frequent brushing. Both of these side effects affected my appetite but no bad thing as I am no waif!! I did experience some tiredness but nothing too major and am fast losing my hair which I have shaved off.

I am fortunate that I have a very supportive partner, have no children to look after and do not have to work during treatment. I do feel very sorry for myself when I feel nauseous but remind myself why I am going through this and remember that there are others much worse off than me. The time does fly with the accelertated epi. I’m 3/4s of the way through this part of my treatment and only started on 22nd May. I would not have said this last week when I was feeling low with the sickness but it is doable and for the second week following the chemo I can function relatively normally so make the most of this time in between hospital visits.

I think the general rule of thumb is that you will continue to react to subsequent treatments as you did after the first although the tiredness is accumulative. Although if this is nonsense I am sure someone will put me right.

Hopefully you will continue to react well to the treatment and will not suffer from too many side effects (some are a given - hairloss). I found that the nausea has been on the same days and has ended to the hour each time so as Lilly says above if you do have off days you can usually plan support.

I wish you and your baby the best of luck.

KLizz x

Thanks guys. Was begining to worry that my reaction may be worse next time, but I’ve decided now that I’m going to be fab. I’ve been given the all ok to pick my little boy up again after 7 weeks recovery from op, so just need to find the energy to run around after the little monkey. Off down the hospital now to see wiggie. Gonna get meself some hair. Still got my own at the mo, but fall out is imminent I expect. Knowing my luck will have bald head and full facial beard…such is life!

Lily please keep me posted on your progress, will be good to have a buddy going through the same. Thanks for the Top Tips too Kelly, have read that thread and is V helpful, any more positive messages please send them my way. My name is Lian by the way.

Much love to you both

Hi Lian,
have to remember Frank or I will lose you again! Hey I am feeling really good today so hope you are too, either out the dark sleep or popping out any minute. This time I was awake when the chemo went out my head and it was so weird I was just watching tv and suddenly my focus sharpened, the room went bright and I just felt myself again. A bit like your ears popping, coming up to the surface, burps, farts and Christmas all in one go. I have celebrated today with my favourite post chemo meringues and raspberries with carte dor vanilla pod ice cream and went for a walk to relieve the guilt.
Hope you are well and what heaven to snuggle babybugs now. I am a young Nanna and have a 3 year old Grandson who pulls my heart just the same way. Have fun.
Lily x