Hello everyone,
I’m just wondering what advice you’ve had re what types (if any) of take away is okay during chemo.
I could do with a night off cooking…
K x
Hello everyone,
I’m just wondering what advice you’ve had re what types (if any) of take away is okay during chemo.
I could do with a night off cooking…
K x
I have indulged in Fish and Chips since being on Chemo but haven’t had any thing else, dont think you can go to wrong with Fish and Chips?
Not sure what others think?
Donna x
I was told to avoid takeaways (as well as stuff like shellfish, pate etc - like a pregnancy diet I suppose). I think its just to avoid getting food poisoning, listeria etc., as you would suffer more with no immune system. But I can’t see that fish and chips would be bad, and since I’ve eaten out at places that also do takeaway food, I also can’t see that most indians, chinese etc would be bad either! But I suppose you should check with your chemo nurses. Or just choose somewhere that looks clean to buy your takeaway grub from!
Happy scoffing!
Hi Hope,
I indulged in fish n chips occasionally during chemo and have lived to tell the tale. Seriously I think that the warnings are because of high risk of illness caused by eating inadequately cooked foods, it is all just to be cautious so that you don’t get any illnesses which could be serious when your immune system is low. We just have to be sensible and make good judgement whilst erring on the side of caution, enjoy you night off cooking and best wishes to you
Suze xx
Ended up cooking a mushroom risotto!
K x
i had a curry and was really quite poorly…never did it again! Had fish and chips as quite safe.
I never had “avoid takeaways” as chemo advice OR pregnancy advice! Just as well, I’ve tucked in whenever I fancied it and haven’t suffered for it. Had a really great curry the other night, Chicken Achari - yum! And had Maccie D’s for lunch today - why?! I never used to do that sort of thing!
Hi how strange I was never told not to have takeaways when I was on chemo a yr ago just the be carefull dairy thing just eat what I fancied which was v little laura
I’ve been told no Chinese or Indian takeaways, no burger outlets, and if eat in restaurant and have burger no salad. No carveries as meat and veg are standing around. I was told I can have fish and chips if I get the fish cooked fresh while I wait.
When I went for my visit to see the chemo nurse prior to starting treatment, she gave me a booklet, of what to expect etc, in there was a section on all the foods to avoid, I think it’s called an immuno- compromised diet. There are many pages, lots of common sense, but also strange ones to avoid. No salted peanuts only dry roast. No still bottled water only fizzy. No salad, or fruits that you can’t peel, strawberries etc and dried fruit unless cooked.
After awhile I have got used to it, but struggle if out and want a sandwich with the filling.
This booklet sounds interesting - do you think it’s widely available? can you let us know the author/s and publisher?
I’ve not been given any guidance but have taken precautions like no salad from salad bars or buffets. Only things I’ve been told to avoid are swimming, spas and crowded places…
Yes, my treat has been fish and chips and it’s freshly cooked and so far I’ve been ok. I have always avoided meals out with rice and reheated rice is known to develop lots of bacteria. Not sure about the no salad advice etc - I’ve trying to have lots of raw fruit and veg based on other cancer/diet advice…
I’m not longer drinking mineral water from plastic bottles due to chemical leaching - have got a Sigg bottle with non-leaching liner that I refill with fresh water.
Would be interested to hear about other ideas in the book - and hope you enjoyed the mushroom risotto… Agree about the eating out issue - I usually end up having a jacket potato and filling for lunch out (I’m trying to be dairy free too so that’s an added challenge…)
i wasnt told to avoid any takeaways ,didnt cross my mind and when fancied them had chinese,pizza and chippies and was fine ,didnt know you shouldnt.x
ermm. not told anything about water or takeaways! I drink bottled water and tho dont really do takeaways often, i do have fish and chips now and again and i have fresh indain (other half is Indian, but i do mean food!!!)
Tomorrow have pre chemo asses for FEC3 so will ask about this as noghing as been mentioned xxxxxx
Wow, never gave not having takeaways a thought during chemo, in fact the best meal i think I ever had was about a week after the first cycle of tax when i actually craved fish and chips! I very rarely have them, but they were wonderful after feeling so grotty all week! I also had Chinese and curries if i felt like them - which i have to say was not often during chemo. I was certainly never told to avoid them - and I only used those that i knew were reliable and that i’d been using for years with no ill effects.
ive had 7 chemos, one to go, I wasnt told to avoid takeaways. I was advised not to eat shellfish, pate, blue cheese, bagged salads, and to eat well cooked meat if out in a restaurant. I have eaten Chinese takeaways, indian, fish n chips etc when I have fancied them which is normally once every three weeks, due to my taste buds! I dont think I could have coped since diagnosis in November without my chinese take away. Ness x
I drink loads of bottled water and so far I am ok, also had Indian takeaways etc I just got told to avoid the things you are told to avoid when you are pregnant.
Note that the reason you’re told to avoid liver and liver products during pregnancy is due to a potential overdose of Vitamin A (think it’s A, head not working today) which could cause damage to the foetus. As we’re not generally pregnant while undergoing chemo, you would probably be ok with liver, but do check with your specialists or BCN if you’re worried.
The advice we were given when my wife was starting chemo was basically the pregnancy diet, and takeaways were fine, but we had to make sure they were HOT before eating - if we fancied a curry, we should reheat it on getting it home.
While is was in for Neutropenia I asked the Registrar what foods to eat to boost my WBC and he actually said that Liver and Onions was fantastic!
Carrots and mushrooms as well
All the best