'Take Off Your Party Dress ' book

'Take Off Your Party Dress ’ book

'Take Off Your Party Dress ’ book Dina Rabinovitch’s book is now available and I just wanted to recommend it to cyber friends! Her Guardian columns, her blog : Take Off Your Running Shoes and now her book are very, very worth reading and not least because all the proceeds from the book sale are going to cancer research at Mount Vernon.

Dina is a star.

Best wishes


Yes - I’ve been reading her blog for a while. She sounds quite poorly at the moment so I really think she is marvellous.

Yes, I too follow her blog and read her Guardian columns. She has the same diagnoses as me and is on the same treatment. What I really admire about her is the way she just gets on with life and treats her illness in a very matter of fact way, never moaning or complaining about her aches and pains etc. She does seem to be quite ill at the moment, but that is not the focus of her blog.
I have her book on order (Take off Your Party Dress) and look forward to reading it - I am recommending it to everyone I know,as the proceeds from the sales go to a very good cause.