Take part in our breast reconstruction survey

We are looking for people who are either awaiting or have undergone breast reconstruction to take part in our new breast reconstruction survey, which aims to understand more about patients’ experiences of breast reconstruction to help address current issues and improve services for the future.

The survey also provides an opportunity for those who have had or are waiting for risk reducing surgery to share their experiences.

The responses we receive will help further shape our influencing work on breast reconstruction, including developing solutions to help improve access and choice in the future. The survey is anonymous and quotes and comments may be redacted to ensure you cannot be identified. 

If you would like to take part, please visit the survey link here: forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KRmfxpFwsEGy1pUAeVZv-RdlbwRsnVZGvSR5G_hzk81UMUdLU1VLMjc4MzVBVjc3SlE0SzVIVUlFVy4u&wdLOR=cCDF987FA-785F-46A7-AA66-A045AFF9FA5F