Taking a break

Hi everyone.

Hope you are all feeling good today. I’m taking a break from running around doing housework - trying to get everything into some sort of order before going in for op on Monday. Known about it for three weeks but as usual have left everything to the last minute so I suppose I’ve no-one to blame but myself!!!

God bless.


Hi Christay,

Before you know it, you will be home again. See you soon.


Hi Christay

Hope it goes really well for you on Monday and after. Look forward to havng you back!



HI christay
hope all goes well on monday…look forward to seeing you back after op.

karen x

Bless you Christay, hope you get everything that needs doing, done - don’t forget to pack your suitcase! All the best with the op and look forward to seeing you back real soon.
hugs upon hugs