Taking blood from the foot?



I’m not having treatment but need to have a blood test. it is always near on impossible to take blood from my “good” arm usually resulting in a very big bruise or taking it from the hand. Last time because the sample needed to be quite a lot the nurse was reluctant to take it from my hand because of the size of the needle but I said give it a go. Well she didn’t get enough so we gave up. I’m going back again today, going to have loads of water and ty and keep my arm warm but I know its going to be a problem. Its not for cancer treatment, just need to check my levels of B12 and a few other things.


So my question is can I have it taken from my foot and could there be problems having it taken from there?



Hi Hazelmary

I had blood taken from my foot for blood tests…shouldnt be a problem as long as the person taking it knows how to do it. I am a nurse and would take bloods from patients in their feet

Did the nurse try a butterly cannula to get the blood? The needle is alot smaller

Donna x

It is fine to use the foot. Have they used a butterfly needle in your hand? I also have seriously rubbish veins and find that the combination of someone who is experienced, running my hand under warm water and ensuring I’ve had a good few glasses of wAter just before the blood test all help.