Hi there
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I have been on Tamoxifen for just over 2 years (3 to go). My periods became less regular when I started taking it (I went from every 28 days to every 6 or 7 weeks). However, in the past month of so I have been getting heavy periods every 2 to 3 weeks… and today its started again!
Is this normal? I am not getting any pain or anything, and my pharmacy keep giving me different brands of Tamoxifen so I don’t know whether that might be the cause of it?
Hi Spudgirl
Whislt you await replies please feel free to call our helpline to talk through your queries, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000
Here’s the link to the BCC publication ‘Tamoxifen’ where you will find some useful information about possible side effects:
Best wishes
Thanks Lucy. I’d love to phone but I think I’ll just cry, I’ve got myself into a right old state about it. I have an appointment to see the Gynae at the hospital tomorrow. (I live overseas so things happen quickly here!) . I am just trying to reason that it could be something else. I’ve had a lot of colds / allergic reactions recently so perhaps I’m just run down and that is affecting my cycle.
That’s great you have appointment so quickly, just wanted to send you lots of hugs, take care xx
Thanks Katytc. I had an ultrasound this morning and there is a 10cm mass, but the gynae says he believes its a fibroid. I am going for an MRI on Tuesday to check its not cancerous, but apparently that is very rare. Either way, I still have to have surgery to remove it in January. I am so relieved!.
All the very best to you for Tues, will keep fingers and toes crossed for good news, please let us know how you get on, lots of hugs xx
The MRI results came back and they are pretty sure it is a fibroid and benign, though they won’t confirm 100% until its out and they check it. So I’m having hysterectomy at the end of January. I’m relieved that the MRI results were good but not thrilled about an op. Apparently they will have to do a cut along my bikini line, rather than a vaginal hysterectomy. I am guessing thats because its so big. On the plus side I get a couple of weeks rest from work, and I definitely need that!