tamosifen visual problems

Hi I was diagnosed with secondaries a few weeks ago and changed from Arimidex onto Tamoxifen. Have been on it for 3 weeks now.l Noticed a couple of weeks ago deterioration with my vision. Initially thought it was bad lighting etc., but now can only read if I wear my contacts and reading glasses. Anyone else had this? Grateful for coments. I have been referred for a brain MRI. I had CT Brain a few weeks ago which was clear Di x

I was on Tamoxifen for two and a half years, now on Aromasin. My eyesight deteriorated while on Tamoxifen. If I forgot my glasses for work it was not a big problem and I could manage through the day. Now, I would have to go home for them. I think it is one thing not thought to be a side effect, but I think other people may have had it. Not sure if it is a side effect of any other hormone treatment.
Love and take care
Thistle x

My eyesight has also deteriorated, with various hormonals. I’m typing this wearing some cheap reading glasses from Tesco. I think it’s quite a common side effect, I know others who have experienced the same.
I hope the brain MRI shows this is nothing serious.

my eye sight is rubbish on tamoxifen and it is liested as a side effect in my pack. Mine is foggy and blurry and can’t read sky writing on tv even quite close by the end of the evening. I was hoping it might improve when I switch to an AI!!Before this my optician said I would never need glasses to read ha!
Good luck everyone
Lily x