Tamox and low blood pressure?

Last few days have been feeling extremely tired, sick, light headed and generally feeling weired.Checked b/p and it is low.
Only been on Tamoxefen for about 4 wks.Also had itchy skin (and bits!) and soaked a couple of times with sweat during night.
This is only after four weeks! Will this go on for the whole 5 yrs?!!
Waiting to see ortho-surgeon for injections for frozen shoulder-since op 2 mths ago.Cant have rads because of this.
Anyone else felt the same.

Hi Jeanie

I felt very sick and weird at the beginning of my Tamoxifen. Been taking it 6 months now and things are just starting to improve. My blood pressure is also low but hadnt even thought that may be because of the tablets. It was in my boots during chemo, fainted a couple of times and just thought it hadnt recoverd yet.

Hope things improve for you soon


Thanks for the response Judy.

Hi Jeniex

I’m on Letrozole. I am also experiencing light headedness at times. When I take my blood pressure it is low and my pulse rate rises. My GP is having me checked out by a cardiologist but I’m convinced it’s the Letrozole. Does anyone know what the potential is for a cancer recurring if I stop taking it. I had a lumpectomy for secondary invasive ductal carcinoma followed by removal of lymph nodes - all clear except for the sentinel node. I’ve had radiotherapy and feel good most of the time except for the dizzy spells.

Is anyone else experiencing low blood pressure?
